11 | virus

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I had been hit with on of the arrows back on the bridge. Nothing too bad but I had lost a lot of blood so when I found out the exodus ship had crashed, Clarke made me stay.

I didn't know if my father was on that or not, so I assumed the worst even though everyone told me I shouldn't think like that. I was completely crushed at the fact that my father was dead. I was put on the 3rd floor of the ship and just stayed there. No one came in or out, not sure if it was because they thought I needed alone time or if Clarke told them not to because I needed rest.

Thank god for Octavia and Lincoln or I would be dead. I really want to know more about the arrows they use, it's fascinating, do they use it on animals or does that make the meat not edible?

They had been gone all day searching the grounds of the exodus ship. The only person to come in and out was Octavia. She left shortly after, I was going to follow but she didn't let me. I heard Jasper talking about how he saved everyone back at the bridge.

Saved us from what?

Nothing was going to happen if anything he killed innocent grounders. I heard gun shots and my fight or flight sunk in and I quickly got up and ran to the gate. Octavia and a few other were walking out and I ran up to the front.

"Octavia, be careful." I hear Connor say. I grab Octavia before she touches the unknown person laying on the ground and I go to see first. He jumps up at my touch and skittishly backs off.

"Murphy?" I question the terrified boy. He puts his arm up in the defence. The boy was covered in blood, drenched. Cuts from head to toe. I quickly grab him and take him inside.

"Bellamy would not want him here." Connor mentions. What is it with these people? Murphy is our people, he did nothing wrong.

"Bellamy isn't here so what I say goes. Murphy needs help and I'm letting him in. If you want to stop me your going to have to kill me." I spit back at the boys holding up their guns.

I walk closer to them with Murphy's arm slung over my shoulders, basically carrying him. The boys move out of the way and let Octavia and I pass and Connor decides to help and grabs Murphy's other arm.

"Thank you." Murphy whispers in my ear.

I liked Murphy.

From my point of view, Charlottes death was not his fault it was mine and the fact that he was kicked out of camp because a demon died shows the kind of person Bellamy is now.

I lay Murphy down on the first floor of the drop ship and give him water and try to clean him up a bit when Bellamy and Clarke enter.

"Where is he?" I hear Bellamy say in an angry voice. I could tell he was pissed, he had no reason to be though.

He takes one look at Murphy and tells everyone but Connor and Derek to leave. I didn't leave.

"He claims he was with the grounders." Derek announces.

"Claims? Are you kidding me. He has no nails, cuts all over his body and you think he did this himself?" I stand up meeting Dereks eye level and he looks away. I follow his eyes to Bellamy's.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor interrupts.

"I wasn't sneaking, I was running from the grounders." Murphy answers weakly. I kneel back down beside him and start cleaning his wounds again.

"Anyone see grounders?" Bellamy asks cockily. Everyone shakes their heads no. I still stay seated trying to help Murphy.

"Well. In that case." Bellamy spits raising his gun and Murphy. Finn quickly steps in and points the gun to the ground.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now