16 | complicated

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"What do you think, dumbass?" Bellamy laughs. "He obviously likes you. And I'm starting to think you like him too." He looks down so he wouldn't have to make eye contact.

"Bellamy I don't like Cameron. I mean yeah he's conveniently attractive but not my type." I assure him. Bellamy looks back up at me.

"Hey, he has brown hair and brown eyes what do you mean 'not your type' he looks just like me." Bellamy jokes. "And he's not conveniently attractive that guys hot."

"If you like him so much why don't you date him Bellamy?" I joke. Cameron then walks in the room. Speak of the devil.

"Hey guys um, Gustus is dead." Cameron begins. I could tell he was sad. I look to Bellamy to try and tell him to leave but, he got the message way sooner and walked out immediately.

"You okay?" I ask. Cameron walks over to me and we sit side by side against the wall with our knees up to our chests.

"Yeah I'm fine. Gustus was like a best friend to me, he only ever wanted to protect Lexa and I. Now he's dead I just can't believe it." Cameron sighed. "Have you ever had a best friend die?" He asks.

"No, not die but I've lost a best friend before for a different reason. Bellamy I mean. We were super close up on the ark and when we got down here it was like something snapped inside him and he became this mean arrogant guy that I've never met before." I explain. Cameron looks over to me confused.

"Bellamy? Seriously? That dude is not mean are you joking? He's like a teddy bear compared to my people." He laughed.

"A teddy bear? He kills people." I begin.

"We all kill people down here Avery." He argued.

"Yeah. I guess I'm just not used to that yet."


It was getting dark and we had set up tents around the grounder village. I was sitting with Raven and her radio trying to figure out what had been jamming our radar before. We hear something, unusual. It was Jasper.

"47 of us are trapped inside mount weather."

We run outside to show Clarke and the rest of our camp.

"Talk to him. Say something." Clarke asserted. We would but it's repeating, meaning they aren't actually there, dumbass.

"It's repeating." Raven remarked. Thanks Raven.

"They're alive." Octavia observed

"We need to do this now. You've got the alliance now is the time to use it." Bellamy insisted.

"First, we need an inside man. You were right. Without someone in the inside to lower their defences, turn off the acid fog, an army is useless. You should go." Clarke explained to Bellamy.

"Woah, woah, what? Bellamy you are not going in there it's not safe." I turn to Bellamy who looked at me then back to Clarke.

"I thought you hated that plan, that I would get myself killed." Bellamy stated to Clarke, ignoring my worry.

"I was being weak. It's worth the risk." She assured.

"Hey. Do I get a say in this? No Bellamy you're not going in there alone. You will get yourself killed." I argue, pushing Bellamys chest causing him to stumble back a bit.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now