6 | hero

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I woke up in a dark wet cave surrounded with moss. Gross and gross get me out of here it instantly reminded me of the cells ok the ark.

"You're awake thank god." I hear someone say. I turn to see Octavia with blood dripping down her cheek but here beautiful smile still shining.

"Octavia? What- how, where are we?" I ask. She looks confused too so I knew she didn't know either.

"Someone saved me. Brought me here. I think it's their house." She says

"Who's? Who saved you? A grounder? No way." I respond trying to get up but my foot is chained to the wall. My arm was no longer in the sling but it didn't hurt.

"What the hell happened to my arm?" I asked Octavia hoping she would know where my sling is. Clarke told me I had to wear it for another few weeks still.

"I don't know they took it off, did something and then left that's all I remember." She tells me. She starts to move rocks around and take them from the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she started crawling into the wall.

"Getting help, I'll be back." She tells me. I tried to get out of the chain but before I knew it, she was gone.

"OCTAVIA COME BACK!" I yell. She doesn't answer. Well shit she left me to die.

I look around to see if I could break the chain attached to my arm but they were all small. And to be honest the chain was pretty think. I wasn't getting out of here any time soon.


Before I knew it she was back with, a tall figure carrying her. I pretended to be asleep because I mean what else should I have done I can't fucking move.

"Why are you taking care of me? You found me at the bottom of that ravine. Fixed my knee... What the hell are you doing? Please don't do this! Stop it please, please don't do this" I heard Octavia start to scream then stop as I heard the grounder footsteps slowly fade. Octavia began to cry that's when I got up.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm here don't worry." I assure her.

She slowly stops crying and we do a few deep breaths to calm her down. We sit in silence for a bit u too she starts talking about the night of the masquerade dance.

She tells me about what happened with her mother.

I can't believe Bellamy would be that stupid, letting her out. I mean what did he expect? What an idiot. Sure it was sweet but look where it got her, 8 months of jail and no mother.

It could have been the way Octavia told the story but I don't know. Finally he came back, or at least I assumed it was a he. Octavia turns to him who staring at her and punches him in the face. He barely flinches, she hits him again and he's knocked out.

"They key! I'm getting us out of here." She says as she grabs the key from the grounders hand. She unlocks my chains first then starts hers. We had to go fast because we heard footsteps coming from further in the cave. She couldn't get hers undone. Out from the entrance came,

"Bellamy?" Octavia and I ask at the same time. Bellamy grabs the key and starts to undo the lock.

"Monroe, watch the entrance." He says. The lock opens and Octavia and Bellamy jump into each others arms. It's been like 7 hours calm down. I think 7 hours I don't really know.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat