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"You're okay." I sigh. His voice felt like home. I remembered how safe I felt in his surroundings.

"I'm okay." He murmured. "Are you? How's Octavia?" He asked. I look up to Cameron who was pushing me to continue talking to Bellamy.

Other than the fact she just got beat the shit out of I would say she's doing pretty good!

"She's good. Great actually." I assured him. Wouldn't want Bellamy worrying about anything when he's in a place that could kill him in seconds. Or worse. Don't want to know what they'd do to him.

"Well that's all of the good news. We have to talk fast, somethings changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone, they just locked them in a dorm." He panics. I could hear the fear in his voice.

"But they're alive Bellamy, all of them?" I try to ask in a way where he calms down a bit.

"I think so, for now. But Maya says that they're already using their blood. And things are gonna get ugly in here real fast." Bellamy remonstrated. Clarke took the mic from my hand after that.

"Maya is with you?" She asks.

"She helped me escape. If not for her, I'd be dead." He paused. "And Clarke, there are kids in here." Oh shit. Kids? I've never been fond of them but that doesn't mean the deserve to die. Except Charlotte, I hate that little bitch. "We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one." He asks.

"I hear you. But we can't do anything-" I took the mic back from her.

"Bellamy don't worry, we got this on our side, you disable the fog we will do our part okay?" I pause and look to Clarke. "We can't have him worried." I say to her.

"Got it. What else?" He asked.

"You need to find a way to free the grounder prisoners. There's a whole army inside that mountain, and they don't even realize it." Clarke adds.

"Trojan horse. Good plan." He agrees. I hand the mic back to Clarke.

"What does Maya think? Is it doable?" Clarke questions.

"She says it's not a problem. Look if I'm gonna pull this off, I need you to buy me some time. It won't be long before they realize I don't belong here and if that happens-" He begins.

"That can't happen." Clarke cuts him off. "We'll come up with something." She adds.

"Come up with it quick." He insisted.

"We will, and Bellamy? You came through. I knew you would." She says.

"All I've done so far is not get killed." He stated. I took the mic back from Clarke.

"You've done a hell of a job at that Bell." I asserted. Raven shoots her head to look at me after that comment. Wait did I just call him Bell? My face heats up and I give Raven the mic. Clarke and Cameron smile and giggle a bit as I feel my stomach bubbling, filling with butterflies. I take a few steps back from the mic as Raven talks to Bellamy.

"Did she call me Bell?" I hear him say. I leave the room flustered. That was the weirdest experience of my entire life.

"Hey where are you going Raven needs our help!" Cameron shouts. I turn around and stomp back over to him.

"I literally would rather be scooping up dog shit than he in there any longer." I worried. I don't know why I called him Bell, or why I was making such a big deal out of it. It's just a nickname. I mean it's the only nickname Octavia uses for him. The only nickname his mom used with him. I didn't even use it when we were on the ark, even though we were best friends that name felt too personal for me to say.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now