prince of the night blade

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after the preview was over

azure:all right to the waiting room i need to set things for new guests

the group nod and head to the waiting room

ikagura:that jason have master class skills with the sword

asuka:i agreed

kirito:if azure was true an few universes if he teacher i will glad been his student

asuna:kirito kun you realise the training will be the most painful ever right?

kirito:but the results will been perfect

eugeo:yeah that is true

yuuki:i sure want to spar agaist that jason

apha:soo kasane you are married to my son

kasane:well..not only me?*look the rest of the scarlet nexus girls less naomi and hanabi*

lucian:wow...that is an suprise never trough my son will have an harem

kyoka:actually it was kasane idea after her sister naomi does the same along with hanabi for yuito

yuito:*blush*y yeah

nagi:hey you are lucky one do you

yuito:shut up you

ikki:that jason is very strong not to metion he was strong by skill alone i wonder if i can reach his level by train my swords skills

stella:hey ikki don't get weird ideas!


ikki:you still blush because of that incident

ayase:y yeah and well..our jason does the same 

stella:i still suprise he did that

ragna:soo apha right you are the mother of my other version of my son?

apha:yeah he is nice person but he is too serious sometimes but he is nice olso he love frog dolls like me

ragna:je i sure he is happy 

apha:yeah he is

velvet and god kiana have jealous looks

jin:soo jason is good with the sword

apha:ja far above yours an fact you face my son 36 times and you only win 2 times

the blazblue cast jaws drop

lucian:the thoses times you have help of you wife and my son's aunt at law

tsubaki:eh!? soo an that version i olso married with jin and he is nepfew an law!?

lucian:yeah pretty much

kiba:hmm maybe i should train my sword

issie:damm that jason is strong and not even use his powers

rias:well you can use his experiences to train and get better

kiba:i wish to meet that jaosn it sure it can been an great teacher

koneko:one who will break you bones 

kiba:*sweatdrop*y yeah

kagero:wait you have about 50 thousands years ago?

fu hua:yeah pretty much

kagero:jeje guess both are the oldest of the group

fu hua:i guess

nagi:never exppect meet someone more older than kagero


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