the original{info,moments and some facts}

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azure:okay to start this lets's start with the original the one all you met

asuka:but you said the original fate was unknow

azure:true but an some timeless the original was trasport to an diferent world and each world give him unique abilities o tools

bakugo:i can't be that strong!

azure:he face azreal who is tough enough to hold an explosion who match the power an atomic bomb and get out without injuries

all rest the blazblue and tales of berseria cast jaws drop

weiss:y..y you kidding right?

ragna:no she is not that guy is one hell of monster even the us have problems to beat him

jin:yeah i agreed

velvet:yeah it is

izuku:w wow you people must have an hard place

ragna:more o less

hibari:soo what we gonnad see about the jason we met

azure:well first info about him,along with some momets he experiece along with facts you mild didn't know about him}

the rest nod

azure:oh i forgot something

she point her hand toward mineta seal as the chair have lightnig

mineta:what the

azure:the chair will give 700.000 volts every time you act o think lewd

mineta:i didn't..

the chair shock him

azure:you were stare an the girls while i was give the explaniton

the girls look at him an digust

azure:i was plan to do the same with issei but since he leave his pervert act and try his best not to i leave him alone

issei:thank to the lord of above and jason who help me

koneko pat his back

koneko:good for you

azure:good now the info

the screen show the image of the original jason

the screen show the image of the original jason

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the people of unio got confuse by the appearance of the jason they met

izuku:that jason is more odd than the one we know

asuka:yeah he was aroud that age

ikagura:yeah olso he looks like to ragna

ragna:yeah it is

jin:still suprise when i first see him i trough it was you but diferent

ragna:and when you find out you want to murder him because he was an "cheap copy"of me

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