Chapter 35

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Tony p.o.v

I was sleeping when I heard a commotion, I was feeling better so I walked out and saw Sam,Bucky, and Steve drunk. I looked at them in amazement and amusement, I looked around for the clock and saw outside that it was dark out. I turned back to them and I was wondering how in the hell did they get so drunk with a few bottles of beer and wine-....never mind.

Steve was talking to a plant, Bucky and Sam were eating each others faves. If anyone came in they would think there was a party here and join in. I tried grabbing Steve so I can take him to bed, but Sam and Bucky slapped my hand and glared at me. I smirked and knocked them out, I draged them to Bucky's room and threw them on, one by one, because they were to heavy.

I went back to Steve and saw that he was sleeping, he looked so peaceful...I picked him up and walked to my room. I laid him down and put the covers on him. I laid down in the floor. I went to sleep after a while.


I woke up to crying, I looked over and saw that Steve has tears down his face, I wiped them off and grabbed his hand, I don't know what to do when someone is crying but Natasha grabs my hand and rub my back. Steve was waking up and I laid down next to him, I turned him to his side and pulled him close to my chest and rubbed his back.

After a while of doing that, Steve fell asleep, I never seen him so scared and tearing up in his sleep. I went to sleep after a while to make sure Steve was ok.

Steve p.o.v

I woke up because the sun was in my face and I felt something heavy on my arm. I looked at what it was and it was Tony, he was sleeping with dark circles under his eyes, and it's nothing new but it was still concerning. He was laying on the edge of the bed holding my hand.

I patted his head to make him wake up. I do this for a while put it seems He's in a deep sleep, I get down and picked him up, I put him on the bed and made him let go of my hand, I put the covers on him and walked out. Sam and Bucky were in the kitchen making food. Sam and Bucky put my food down, "where's Tony, he's usually down here at this time."

"Tony is currently sleep in his room." I tell them while eating my food, "you know what's weird I saw Tony taking care of Steve." Sam said looking at me. I was confused for a minute but then I remembered Tony wiping my tears away and soothing me to sleep, "we shouldn't wake Tony up, let's go to the park or something."We all agreed and went out.

After a while we walked back in and find Tony on the couch watching TV. He was watching "The Green Arrow." I've never seen that show, but apparently he has because when he paused it, it was on season 3 episode 10.

He was curled up in a blanket, with ice cream and his face was red...I realized he had a panic attack happened or something of some kind. Natasha told me whenever he has those, he'd get ice cream, a blanket, and put his favorite show. Sam and Bucky also noticed that and felt bad.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry this cam out so late I was really busy. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next Friday (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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