Chapter 5

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Tony was wondering around through the forest. He felt that he was being watched and Wonder I'm further in the forest. Tony still felt like he was being watched but stoped when he heard a howl, Tony had fought super villians and criminals but never an animal. Tony was walking slower then normal because he didn't want any bigger animals to find him or whatever lurks through this forest.

Steve, and Natasha send Bruce to get the others for help if they needed it. Steve knew Tony could handle him self but something made his heart squeeze and made him feel uneasy, Natasha saw that his and told him it's gonna be ok. "I know Natasha but something it telling me that's it's not going to be... I don't know why I just do." Steve said a bit worried and went through first then Natasha with a flashlight. They were yelling Tony's name when they heard a howl and quiet down before they attracted them the way to the village. Steve and Natasha left rock trials back to the village Incase they needed to escape really quick after they find Tony or Maybe one of them might forget the way back.

Tony stopped and looked around when he heard movement. Tony doesn't know whether these are normal wolves or not, and he didn't want to chance it so he walked really slow to hear if they're close or not. Steve and Natasha broke off considering it would probably be much easier to look for Tony like this. Steve walked where Tony had walk and saw his footprint on the floor and he followed. Tony did not get so lucky this time and the wolves attacked, he was trying to get them off but these wolf were a bit stronger then normal wolves and they bit the side of his hips and wrist. Steve heard struggling and some whining, he ran to where he heard it and saw Tony fighting these wolves. He ran to help, he grabbed a big stick and started hitting him until the wolves ran back to the forest. Tony didn't have any strength in his legs so as he was about to fall Steve cought him. "Get off I'm fine." Tony said a bit bitter. Steve didn't listen and carried him out of the forest. Natasha was out and looked like she was out of breath. Steve asked what happened and she said it was some wolves, she looked at Tony and was a big angry that he ran away but was worried about him. Steve said it didn't look like it was that deep, he didn't know how to explain it but it felt like he could feel Tony's pain bit didn't tell the team.

Once they got back the innkeeper got the doctor and told everyone to get out. After an hour or so he walked out and said Tony passed out from the medicine they had to give him so he would stop moving around a lot. The team heard the doctor talked about a mark on Tony's lower abdomen, which the doctor didn't realize that's they heard him. The doctor left and the team walked in the room. Tony was sleeping and the team left his room.

"So Tony has his mark." Bruce said, "we all kinda knew." Natasha said. "How did you two find out". Bruce said sounding a bit sour that no one told him. "Me and Clint kinda walked by, Bucky and Steve talking about it and we over heard it." Sam said. "We heard Natasha talking about it while we here "sleeping"." Steve said. "Oh wow." Bruce said. The team kinda shipped Tony and Steve considering how often they fight and they get really close like their about to kiss or something. Steve was embarrassed a bit when the team asked how he felt about Tony, He just told what he told Bucky. The team went quite because they did know that Bucky killed his parents, and they realized Tony never forgave Bucky and Steve for that. The team now had a problem to deal with.

I'm going to try to get 2 chapter each Friday, Saturday, and Sundays if I can 3. See you tomorrow (≧▽≦)

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