Chapter 25

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   Steve p.o.v

As I was driving, I heard Tony gasping for air, Bucky looked back and told me that we needed to stop some where for really cold water and getting fresh air because Tony looked really bad. I stopped at a gas station and parked, Bucky went in the gas store and I stayed with Tony to calm him down, he was shaking and sweating, I cradled him in my arms to calm him down, I told him to match my breathing and told him sweet things, that seems to work. After Bucky came back with the water we gave it to Tony, he thanked us and went out for a bit. We waited a moment, he came back and sat in the backseat again, this time he fell asleep soundly. I continued driving. 

After two hours of driving I stopped to get gas and let Tony and Bucky stretched their legs. I got a call from Natasha, I answered, "Soooo how are thing going over there." she asked, "things are going great we are going to a hotel and going to an amusement park and the beach." she asked if Tony is behaving, I told her yes and we laughed and she said she has to go, she hangs up. I told the others that the gas is full and we should get going, this time Tony said he'll drive. I was going to say no but bucky said we could play games in the back of the seat. Tony got in the driver seat and started driving.

We got the hotel in three hours. My legs almost gave out as I was getting out the car but Tony caught me in time, Bucky went to get us a room because my legs were not working and Tony couldn't go because he was helping me stand. After what felt like hours but it was only 30 minutes my legs could work again and we got our suitcase in our room. 

        Tony p.o.v 

Once we got there, Steve legs gave out and I helped him, I know "wow he helped Steve, OMG'' anyway, Bucky was in the hotel signing us in while Steve was trying to walk, It was funny watching him trying to walk and fail horribly, "stop laughing, it's hard ok!" I kept laughing, "whatever you say sweetheart." Steve looked at me and blushed, "don't pay attention to it." I said looking away blushing, Bucky came and told us that the room is ready. 

We walked to our room with our lugged and we walked in and saw there was only one two room, Bucky claimed one of them, that just means there's one more room left, "I'll take the couch." I heard Steve say, I walked in my room and got my stuff on one side of the room. I walked out and Bucky and Steve were too tired to go anywhere so we agreed we start tomorrow, as I was going to sit down, I heard Bucky say that Steve should cook something for us, I never tasted Steve cooking before so this should be new.

Steve went to the kitchen and started cooking, "he's probably going to make us his special spaghetti." I never tried Steve spaghetti so I wander what what that tastes like. We waited for an hour then Steve came out with plates of spaghetti in his hands, I'm surprised he didn't drop them, he set it down on the table and we dig in. This tasted like really good, I wonder why Steve doesn't cook often, "This is really good, I never tasted your cooking." I said, Bucky and Steve looked surprised, I don't know why but I didn't ask. We ate and left for our room, as I was laying down on the bed, I felt guilty for letting Steve have the couch. So as he was sleeping I picked him up and laid him on my bed and I fell asleep. 

Thank you for reading! the amount of time I have to double check to see if I spelled  something wrong with Bucky's name because It's always underlined as if it's spelled wrong. 😂 Have a great Tuesday! <3

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