Chapter 6

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In the morning the team went to check up on Tony. Tony was sitting up lost in thoughts, the team said good morning and it startled Tony. " You have something to explain Tony." Natasha said. Tony knows what their talking about but he didn't want to talk about it he just didn't want to. "I am not soulmate with him!" Tony yelled. "I don't want anything to do with him..". Steve felt sadden and hurt by his words so he left. "Your mean and rude!" Bucky yelled -picking Tony up by his shirt. "Get your hands off me." Tony said looking like he was going kill him, Bucky let go, and said "be lucky someone wants you." Tony felt weird with those words like he wants to cry or something. Bruce walked out cuz he didn't know what to do and so did Sam and Clint. Natasha stayed behind and just stayed behind to listen if Tony had anything to vent.

After a while Bucky came back in and tried to apologize, Tony didn't want anything to do with Bucky. Bucky just stayed there until Tony finally talked to him. Let say that Bucky fell asleep waiting. Tony tried standing up but his chest and arms were not working like they needed him to be and still needed some rest. Tony fixed him self and threw a pillow at Bucky to wake him up. "What do you need." Bucky said yawing, "I need you to get me some food." Tony said a bit annoyed. Bucky went down graves Steve and let him take the food up. "Your soulmate doesn't want me there so your turn." Bucky said walked out. Steve walked in and set the plate down on the counter, Tony just looked at him and looked away. "Thank you, I think you can go now". Tony said without looking, Steve just sat there. "Talk to me Tony, please". Tony didn't want to talk, but he knew he had to at some point. Steve walked over and sat next to him. " Can you tell me why you hate me." Tony looked at him with an angry expression. "You didn't tell me that your best buddy killed my parents! And on top of that you lied to me and said you didn't fucking know!" Tony told him most of the things that made him hate. The team was walking back and heard everything, Bucky's feelings were hurt just the same as Steve's feelings. "I'm not sorry." Tony said, "I could care less about what you feel and you can go away." Steve walked out and saw the team, Sam and Bucky followed Steve outside while the others stayed inside.
-------time skip------

Natasha spoke to Tony about what he said and Tony didn't bat an eye and just stayed silent, Natasha left and went to check up on Steve. Steve was with Bucky fishing to help the village as gratitude for helping them a lot, "are we going to talk or am I just gonna listen cuz I'm happy to do anything." Bucky said Putin a fish in the bucket. "Idk Bucky I've been nothing but good to Tony, I made sure you don't ruin anything, I keep you out of trouble, and you've changed!" Steve said a bit annoyed at Tony. Bucky felt like he was at fault too. Natasha say them and decide to leave them be. After a while of catching fish, Steve and Bucky went to the innkeeper and gave the fish to him and said it was a token of gratitude for letting them stay and helping. Steve and Bucky went upstairs to get something when they heard a thud, they ran in the room and say Tony on the ground biting back pain. Steve lifted him up gently and put him on the bed. Tony looked up at him and mumble something. "What Was that Tony?" Tony mumble a thank you to Steve and looked away. Steve was surprised and left him be. Bucky was confused and walked out with Steve.

Thank you for being patient (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm gonna be changing point of views because it's getting hard to do third person.

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