Chapter 30

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   Steve p.o.v

After we got home, Tony went to his room as quickly as possible, Bucky went somewhere because he thinks he saw Sam here so he went to check it out. I walked in and started making food. I was thinking of apologizing to him while he was eating so he wouldn't run away.

I saw him walk out following the smell, I saw him look around and walked to the counter, I gave him a smile and gave him the food, "I'm sorry." He looked at me to sign to continue talking, "I was jealous that you were talking to some other guy with that smile you always have when your trying to be nice." I said looking away blushing.

I was Tony looking at me and smirking he stood up and...hugged me.... He hugged me!? I hugged back, "you really like me huh." I heard him say I looked away and blushed, "maybe." Is what I said, he let go and walked out of the kitchen. He told me to follow him.

We walked out of out room and we went walking somewhere, it was really nice, we sat down on the grass and looked at flowers that were falling down. I'm really glad we moved on from me trying to get him to talk to me, "listen Steve I'm not one for being romantic but," I heard him starting to say as he grabs my hand, " But, I would like to learn." I was blushing.

I was a big red mess, my heart was beaming, I saw him stand up and walk away. I was there thinking with my heart racing and my face a big mess. I called Bucky but he didn't pick up, I stood up and started walking to the hotel. As I walked in I saw Bucky there making out with Sam, I cleared my throat to let them know I was there, Bucky looked at me blushing and Sam just looked amused, I asked where Tony was and they said he went out.

Me, Bucky and Sam were watching a movie when I heard my phone ring, I looked at it and saw it Tony,  I picked up and heard Tony sluring his words. I could make out what the place he was in was called, I told them I'm gonna pick Tony up. I walked there because there was only one car and Tony took it.

I arrived and some lady was holding him up, I walked up and took Tony from her, "thank you for holding him put for me." I told the lady, "your Steve right. Tony hear has been rambling about you." I probably looked like a blushing mess, I thanked her again and grabbed Tony.

We arrived a little late because Tony couldn't keep his hands to himself, I held him up and walked in the room, Bucky and Sam looked at me holding up Tony and laughed.
While they were laughing.

  ---Small smut scene. You can skip---

Tony got up, shoves me into a wall, put his legs in between mine and starts rubbing his knee. I tried pushing Tony off but he just keeps coming back, "Tony! Please." I yelled at him, he didn't listen.

                ⚠️    ------End!------  ⚠️

Tony kept on doing so I had to really push him off and knock him out. I knew I was going to regret it later because 1 it wasn't consent and 2 Tony is drunk and probably won't even know what happened. I changed his clothes and put his PJs on, I put the covers and left. I went to sleep after that.

Thank you all for reading! I hoped you enjoyed and see you all next Friday! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

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