Chapter 2

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Steve put Tony down on the bed and Bucky was talking to him while doing it but very quietly. "When is he going to wake up it's been hours already" Bucky said. " I don't know Bucky I did land on him and it could've knocked him out" Steve said. Natasha came and knocked, Steve opened the door and saw Natasha "I'm going to walk around and see if there's something that I can find of where we are or what these place is" Natasha said "oh alright be careful" Steve said. "Thank you and please take care of Tony I know you hate his guts but he's also part of out team" Natasha said. "I don't necessarily hate him he hates me to be honest, but i will" Steve said smiling a bit. "Thanks again Steve" Natasha said. After she left to go to the library. Tony was having a bad dream he didn't like it that's why he slept less and less each day it's like he couldn't get out no matter how hard he tried to wake up or scream or hit himself, it was terrible.

Tony's nightmare was of his parents death and finding out that Steve the guy he once trusted was friend with the murder who killed his parents, and covered for him when he was confronted and was proved to be the real killer and it was like his parents death was nothing to Steve, and Tony hated that, he didn't want Bucky In his team but the others did and they forgave him and Steve like it was nothing, Tony was angry and sad at the same time.

Tony woke up drenched in sweat and his heart was pounding like it was running from something really freaking fast. Tony looked around and saw Steve and Bucky sleeping, he showered and got ready and walked outside of the room, wondering where he was and what was this place. As he walked out the inn keeper went up to him and offered him coffee, witch Tony glady took. The inn keeper was talking to Tony, how his first night was and if everything was alright. "Yeah but where are the others" Tony asked. "Well they are either at the library or sleeping sir" the inn keeper said. "Oh thank you" Tony said while walking out to go to the library.

Tony saw Natasha reading with a bunch of books surrounding her, on the other side was Bruce also reading trying to figure where they are. "Have you found anything." tony asked, startling Natasha and Bruce from their reading. "Yes we have found something."Natasha said."well what is it."Tony said a bit impatient. "Well we have to wait a full on 24 hour to get our marks considering we are from a different world and already passed the age of when we get these marks."Bruce said. Tony just looked confused until he saw the book Bruce was reading called "Soulmate marks" Tony was dumbfounded when he saw that book. Natasha just looked at him, while Bruce was trying to figure out how he should handle this if Tony freaked out, but Tony just stayed calm and asked where they were. "We are in a place called krosstoen" Natasha said. "Maybe if we can reach Loki he would be able to get us out" Tony said. "We've tried that Tony."Bruce said,"we can't reach him". Tony was a bit angry but decided it won't do any good, so he just walked out and walked around trying to get familiar with the place.

Steve and Bucky joined Clint and Sam to breakfast. They were talking on how to get out of here and what would their marks be because they are a bit curious. Natasha walked in with Bruce and sat down. "Has anyone seen Tony." Steve asked. "We have at the library but after that no" Bruce said. "He's going to miss breakfast" Bucky said. "He always does that." Bruce said. Bucky just looked a bit confused. Steve was just zoning out and thinking about something when he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. The team looked at him a bit scared but they calmed down after Steve pulled his shirt up to reveal that his mark was there.

After the team got there's they were able to find their soulmate pretty easily, with Sam and Bucky. Not really but actually a surprise to the group when they found out Bucky was bi and so was Sam. Then was Natasha and Bruce, not really a surprise the team knew they had a crush on each other for a long time. Clint didn't get his. Steve was wondering where his soulmate is.

After Breakfast the team went out to look for Tony. They found him on a hill far away from the village but close enough to run if a beast or something was after him. "Is he sleeping?" Bucky asked, "looks like it" Natasha said. Tony was not sleeping he was resting and he heard the conversation the team was having but decided he was just gonna to stay pretending to sleep a bit longer. "We should check if he's got a mark" Clint said, "shouldn't we wait till he wakes up to shows us" Bucky said. "He would hide it to be honest like he hides most of his problem before they eventually hunt him" Natasha said. "So let's pick him up and looks around his body for a mark". Little do they know Tony had concealer in his suit because he hides most of the scars he has and his dark circles sometimes, so he applied it to his lower abdomen so the team would never find out.

After the team searched him they found nothing. "Damnit" Clint said "I was going to tease him if he had a mark." "Yeah same" Sam said. "Maybe we should leave him alone" Steve said. "I'm pretty sure he can find his own way back to the inn". With that the team left and Tony sat up. He was glad he put the concealer on him once he got his mark. Tony got up and walked back to the inn where the team was reading and talking, Tony felt a bit out place. "Tony sit down we saved you some food." Natasha said. "Thank you Natasha but I'm not hungry." Tony said lying like he always does when it comes to food. "Now we know that's a lie so just sit down and eat no one's gonna judge you." Natasha said giving tony his plate of food. Tony sat down and ate while the others talked and laughed.

I really hope you liked this chapter I know it's a bit boring but it gets better a long the way. If there is any spelling mistakes please tell me.

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