Chapter 32

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Tony p.o.v

I found myself yelling at Sam, "I'm... sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." I walked to my room and went on my phone.

I started getting a headache after hours, so I went out and see Bucky, Sam and Steve. I forgot we're in vacation, "anyone has pills for headaches." I ask.

Steve looked at Bucky and back at me,"Bucky has pills." I told them that was great and if I could had some. Bucky stood up grabbed the pill and gave it to me, I took two with some water and said thank you. I walked back in my room.

Steve p.o.v

I came back with Bucky after a while, and saw Sam on his phone, he told us what happened. Bucky looked a bit sad, I know he is wanting to be Tony's friend or at least excepts him in the team. Sam was making a snake for us.

We were talking to each other when Tony came out asking pills for headaches, we told him Bucky has some to see how he would react and he said it was good. Bucky handed it to him with water, he went back and knowing him he was gonna take a nap.

----✨three hours later ✨----

Sam and Bucky went out and I just stayed back I didn't want to interrupt their date. Talking about dates, I need to figure out a nice place where me and Tony could go.

I started looking for places to go and found this really nice neon skate park, that seemed really fun to do. I'm pretty good at skating but I don't know about Tony. Maybe if he was about to fall I could catch him and look into his lovely brown eyes.

As I was fantasizing about our date, Sam and Bucky came back asking if they want to do a double date. I told them we have different locations on where to go, they wanted to go bowling and I was going to take Tony skating. So we decided that we were going to do bowling first then skating.

I was going to cook is dinner so when we go to our places Tony doesn't have to wast his money, we all agreed that is Tony goes up to pay for us we would take his wallet and even cover his mouth.

I got Tony out of his room to feed him food otherwise he would say "I forgot" and drink beer or eat one slice of bread. We sat down and ate our food, "alright where we going." I heard Tony say, I looked at him weird,"it's 5 pm no one eats at 5pmm" I told him that we are going on a double date and his face got red. It was cute watching him stutter his words and turning more red.

Tony p.o.v
Steve told me we were going on a double date, I felt myself blushing, I tried forming words but it was just me struggling and stuttering, I decided to shut up. I got up and went to get ready, Bucky and Sam were already ready so they were just waiting for me and Steve.

Steve is slow at getting ready so it was just me, Sam, and Bucky. I didn't realize talk to Bucky I just pretend he wasn't there, Sam kept trying to bring Bucky into the conversation so at this point I just stopped talking.

Steve finally got ready, Sam was driving first. Bucky got into the front seat while me and Steve went in the back. Sam was putting some weird as song. I was trying not to make eye contact with Steve. This was gonna be a long ride.

Hey, I honestly thought I would upload a chapter Saturday or Sunday but I was busy and couldn't so, enjoy this chapter! I will see you all Friday. (つ✧ω✧)つ

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