Chapter 11

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No ones p.o.v

While Tony was driving he heard multiple growls and decided to stop by a restaurant so they could eat, go home full, and take a nap so there's some quiet in the tower. He parked and got out. The rest of the team got out and walked in. Tony and the team plus Peter was waiting to be seated, when A certain someone walked over to then and stoped right in from of Tony. Tony was shocked when he saw who it was. The team was curious on who this is. Peter could read the room and noticed that Tony had some sort of history with this person. "Glad to see your well." The person said while touching Tony's hair.

Steve p.o.v

I felt the urge to slap his hand away and tell him off, but I had to calm myself before I do something to embarrass myself or make the situation worse. Tony grabs his hand and pushed it down, Tony said he doesn't know that person and followed the waiter. We followed behind and sat down, Natasha asked what was wrong and Tony shrugged it off. I was irritated, maybe because of that guy and because Tony said it was nothing when he clearly showed it's something. Peter decided to change the topic witch was a good idea to do, so he started talking about the new kids at school, he Particularly talked more about this one person in general. Peter stoped talking after the look he received from Natasha saying what's their name and Peter because a rose from how red his face was, he mumble the name witch we couldn't hear it so Natasha said speak up and Peter said someone named Wade. Tony looked up in shock and said "stay away from him he's dangerous." Natasha asked why and he just looked away. I know Tony has a lot of secrets but isn't this too much. Peter just looked at him weird but decided not to speak up. We ordered our food and waited. Tony felt uneasy and the rest of the team clearly saw the discomfort from the way he's sitting. I wanted to comfort him but Peter hugged him saying it's ok and I didn't want to interrupt their moment so I was just watching then I see the guy at the reception area and I wanted to punch him but I needed a reason too.

After we got out food we decided it was best to leave as soon as possible we left out tip and walked out before he grabbed Tony from behind so he had his hand in his waist, which made my blood boil.

Tony. P.o.v

I felt being snatched from behind witch made me painc but I had to stay as calm as possible, I looked behind me and I saw my ex.... I tried getting out of his grasp but he held on tighter. "Let me go." I said as calmly as possible, "why would I found you after so many years, didn't think you would end up in New York" he said. Natasha was ready to attack him and so was Steve, I just told them to calm down and told my ex he has 4 min to talk what ever he needed to tell me. "I need money, and you~" he told me...I felt disgusted and I wanted to be out of his grip so I told him I'll give him money and that's it. He didn't let me go so I tried him and threw him over my shoulder I told looked at my team and told him to get in that car. They did just that I stayed a bit behind because I needed to know why he wanted me. That was the worst mistake I've made, I felt something sharp on my neck I took it out and blacked out.

Thank you so much for being patient with me I'm gonna try to post at least two once a week so on Sunday in gonna try to post two chapters. I'm happy to get so many views and votes! ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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