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No matter how you try to empty it
Volcano that will explode

Mark sat there on the bed, unmoving and disoriented as her words clawed his mind, and when the sound of the door clicking close reached his ear, he was ripped away from his daze, instantly swinging onto his feet as he hurriedly rushed to the door

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Mark sat there on the bed, unmoving and disoriented as her words clawed his mind, and when the sound of the door clicking close reached his ear, he was ripped away from his daze, instantly swinging onto his feet as he hurriedly rushed to the door.

Pulling the door agape, his gaze fell onto the girl who had just began walking away- his hand quickly latching onto her wrist before she could slip any further.

Soyoung whipped around in shock, eyes slightly wide as she hadn't expected him to trail behind her, "Mark-" She breathed out, her eyes searching his and the remorse that masked his face was evident this time.

"I don't want to hear you out Mark, just let me go." She began, trying to pull her hand out of his grasp but his grip was strong enough to hold her in place.

Her heart thumped so loud she found herself paying the erratic beats more attention, her stomach felt shallow as the warmth of his callous hand embraced her skin.

Simply staring at his eyes made her mind turn frenzy, mist of thoughts hanging low as she forced herself to break the contact and avert her gaze elsewhere.

"Why? Why wouldn't you hear me out? Is it because of what I did or- or cause you hate me now?" Mark asked, knitting his eyebrows as he tried to make sense of the girl's emotions.

Soyoung exhaled out sharply, turning herself entirely to face him as she directly looked up at him, "What is it? Explain yourself c'mon, I want to hear it out." She said, sounding so bitter and uninterested.

Her gaze, her tone, the emotions weighing her voice contrasted so much that Mark wondered if she was the same girl he first met at the arena.

"Don't divert the topic, Youn—" He sucked in a sharp breath, eyes closing momentarily as he corrected himself, "Soyoung... Soyoung." He muttered, finding those words foreign to his lips.

Calling her by her name made him feel like they were strangers- so distant as though there had been nothing in between the two. Am I the only one still hung onto our past? He thought to himself, in two minds if he should speak up or just take a step back and accept the fact that she had moved on, unlike him.

"Answer my question. Do you hate me?" He repeated himself, firm to get a response and she stared into his eyes, the waves of mixed emotions crashing onto her tossing her into the dark abyss.

"Yes, yes. I do not like you anymore Mark, I can't bring myself to do that after you betrayed me, betrayed us all. And, and you just came back into our lives like none of it happened- you may turn a blind eye to it but we can't. It bothers us- you bother us."

Soyoung found herself blurting out her thoughts- she did not want to hold back anymore. She was set to not leave this place without ending every connection with the boy who stood in front of her eyes.

Mark parted his lips to speak but she raised her palm in the air bringing to him to a halt, "No, do not speak and try to justify yourself. I will never get convinced and forgive you for whatever you did. Do you even know what I went through? To think that everything- from meeting you to us confessing was all simply a part of your plan and that it means nothing to you hurts me so much."

"I tried, I tried so much to convince myself that it was all a lie. I really wished it was just a nightmare but oh well, my tears would say otherwise. Damn it- I even cry to this day! Why? Cause of you."

Mark's eyes softened as his grip on her slackened and she harshly yanked her hand out of his hold, "And I'm fucking sick of crying to myself and being the only one who's trying to understand everyone when no one cares to explain themselves to me- including you!"

Soyoung screamed her heart out, the flowing emotions got a hold of her and she didn't realize she had been crying until her nose had gotten runny- she raised her hand to wipe her tears with the sleeve of the wine red silk shirt before looking up at him with her glassy ones.

"I'm done, I'm so fucking done with this. No one genuinely cared, just empty promises that were being broken anyways. My father, mom, Jun and even you- everyone I trusted with all my heart betrayed me and played with my emotions like they were invalid. I- I was really happy around you Mark, I really was.." Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she cupped her face in her palm, muffling her cries.

"Soyoung," Mark called out, softly, gently, as he took a step towards her with a frown tugging his lips, "I'm sorry beautiful, so sorry for everything I did. I'm—"

Soyoung almost scoffed as she took a step back from him, refusing to disclose the distance between them and his feet rooted to the ground to see the girl repel his moves.

"Don't be sorry if you don't mean it. And even if you did mean it, it is too late for an apology." She shook her head, sniffling before blinking her blurry vision, "It's over, Mark."

"Please do not come and talk to me ever again, I'm sick and tired of having false hope." Soyoung wiped her tears that formed dry streaks on her face before taking in a deep breath as she looked into his black eyes that rounded, concern and agony glistening in them yet she disregarded it.

"We are over, Mark. I'm grateful for every memory we shared while it lasted, cause you made me feel valid and at home for at least a little while, thank you." Was all she said before spinning around on her heel and striding away, biding a goodbye and parting ways with him.

" Was all she said before spinning around on her heel and striding away, biding a goodbye and parting ways with him

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Uff how we all feeling? What are your thoughts so far? 👀

Esoteric: End to Start | Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now