Asdfmovie but I.I

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Cherries: Hehehehe~ Oh!

Soap: Got your nose! (your non-existent nose)

Cherries: *giggles*

Cheesy: LOOK OUT SHE'S GOT A NOSE! *shoots darts at Soap*


Pickle, to Knife: You gotta help me, man! My tie is evil and it's gonna kill meee...


Knife: *backs away slowly*

Pickle: Please don't hurt me...

Tie: Mwuhahhaha


Cherries: Hello box!

Box: Hello!

Cherries: *surprised Pikachu face*


Cheesy: Hey guy, hey, smell my flower. 

Mic: *sniff* Mmmmmmm

*spooki monster appear!*

Mic: LOL!


Pointless button:

Apple: *click*


Apple: Hm


Paintbrush: Hey Lightbulb-

Lightbulb: *punches Paintbrush*

Paintbrush: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Lightbulb: *level up!*


Marshmallow: Somebody help me, I'm being robbed!

Apple: I'll save you! Tree powers activate!!



Soap: Die germs!

Germ: Nuuuuu!



Paper: Mmm... Yum!

Cake: AAAAAAAAAAAHH!! Why would you do this?! I have a wife and family!

Paper: Nooo!!


 Paper: What have I done?!

Cake: AAHH! Tell my children I love them!

Cupcakes: Daddy!

Cake: UGH!!

Paper: Nooo!!

Cupcakes: Nooo!!



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