Ch 15 - Life In The Sea

Start from the beginning

"Long time, no see," Dream says as the mersharks bowed. They pleaded for him to let them free, but the Beacon shook his head

"Your actions caused me to nearly die. You will stay here until the kingdom decides what they'll do. As much as I want to show kindness, I cannot."

Dream flicks his tail as the mersharks watched them go. They swam out as the king prepared a feast, for Dream's return and having new friends

The feast was great! They swam away as Sapnap followed them. "I want to show you the rest of the oceans," Dream says as George and Karl nod

The 4 travel around as Dream shows them the sea creatures. Many were dangerous, but as long as they stay with Dream, they're fine

"They're usually friendly," Dream says as he pets every dangerous creature. "To you, only!" Sapnap would always say after being chased or nearly attacked by them

George would sometimes stay close to Dream as the tiny merman smiled. Karl and Sapnap have also grown close as they would sometimes be close to kissing

They even met Oceana. Dream was used to the cold, sort of, but the other 3 shivered as the orca giggled at them and handed them bubbles

"Use these and they'll surround you with warm. It will pop once you're back in your warm waters," Oceana said as Karl, Sapnap, and George sighed

Dream giggled as the 4 had been going from kingdom to kingdom, having parties and eating different types of fish

Both human mers enjoyed the company, the fact that everyone was nice to them, and no battles nor barriers of whatsoever

"We would love for the kingdoms to visit us, but these waters are much to cold for them," the queen said as Dream nods

They waved goodbye as the fish guided them back to their homes. The sea turtles enjoyed the new mermen's company

"Is it the blue one you have feelings for?" a sea turtle asks, making Dream blush and cover his face as George swam along with another

They made it back to the ocean close to Karl's home. "I want you to meet someone. He created your necklaces," Dream says as he takes them to an abandoned ship

"In here?" Karl shivers. "He needs to be hidden. Or the merfolk will not see him the way we do," Sapnap says as George understood what he meant

"Please show no fear," Dream says as he calls Makara. The giant sea dragon swam out, later stopped dead and swam back inside

"Makara! They're friends! They're the ones I asked you to make the necklaces!" Dream squeaked as the dragon noticed the shells Dream chose and swam out

"My deepest apologies. I am not used to seeing new mer, I mean, humans as mers. You chose well, Beacon," Makara said as the boys smiled

Sapnap and Karl were looking at each other with lovey dovey eyes, and as for George, he had his hands cupped and had the Beacon close to his chest

They both were cute together. Makara heard bells as they all looked up. "Humans," the dragon shivered as he swam into the ship again

George and Karl shouldn't worry much, but in their merman form, of course. Dream whimpers as he swims behind George

George: Let's give them a scare

Sapnap: You know, I've always wanted to do that

Karl: B-But they're humans!

Dream: Aren't you one?

Karl: I know, but -

Sapnap: Ever since you became mers

George: We fear the same way you do

Dream: So how will we scare the human, or humans?

George: Gather around and listen to what I will say

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