"Big sis?"

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A very very very short Chapter~

I swear I didn't even read through this chapter.


(Y/n) jolted off the bed, covered in cold sweats. It happened again, she had a bad dream again. It's been that way since they moved to their new base

She looked to her right and saw her dad on the floor snoring loudly, she cringed;

1) because he was on the disgusting floor

2) because there was blood all over him.

She crawled off the bed quietly and over her dad's feet, making her way out of their bedroom quietly so not to wake him.

Ever since they started their whole agreement with Mr. Overhaul, it was hell. They didn't get breaks, leaving early and showing up late. (Y/n) rarely got to see her family because of this stupid bird man.

In the living room, spinner and twice were sprawled on the couch, snoring and also covered in blood.

Maybe training was tough today.

She waddled out of the living room down the hall on the other side, she usually went to her Big sister's room when she had bad dreams.

Magne told the funniest stories; Heck out of everyone in the league, she was the best at entertaining children. Creative and fun- the best combination for when you have kids around.

"Big sis?" She called, peeking into the room. It was dark and quiet.

Maybe she was sleeping?

No, that's not right. Magne snores the loudest.

"Big sis Mags?" She called again, inviting herself into the room as she took a look around.

"Big si- Eh?" She gasped, spotting the person on the floor.

"Toga-Chan?" She mumbled noticing the teen crouched on the floor, fast asleep.

"Toga! Wake up!" She sang "let's go to bed~"

"Hm? Oh... what are you doing here (Y/n)?" She asked, the words coming out a little raspy.

"I was looking for big sis"

"Oh... big sis isn't here"

"Well where is she?" Asked the child.


"Where did she- wait why were you on the floor?"

"Come on don't worry about that, let's go to sleep"


The room was absolutely silent as they both laid on the old mattress staring at eachother. Looking at her up close; (Y/n) had never seen Toga so exhausted.

Her bright eyes looked so dull and puffy.

"Are you okay Toga-Chan?" The kid asked, hoping that would do something atleast.




(Y/n) had never gotten this response before. Especially from Toga. This meant something was wrong? Maybe she was just tired from the excess work they had.

" Oh... how about I get you a stuffie" the kid suggested. "And I can tuck you in and-"

"Just stay here with me" Toga sighed, opening her arms for a hug. ".....please"

"Okay. I can sleep here if you want! And I'll sing you a song too! Don't be sad" she rambled frantically crawling back on the bed. "It's okay!" She hugged the teen

"Thank you (Y/n)" she sighed

"Don't worry! We can ask mommy to make some yummy soup and then we can ask big sis to-"

"No. Big sis isn't here anymore"


"Let's go to sleep, okay~" she plastered a fake smile.

A little while later, the toddler fell asleep cradling Toga's head like she was a fragile object. Her soft breaths blowing onto her face.

Toga sighed.

Shit began to get real. Magne died. What's going to happen now? Toga needed to gather your thoughts. If this kept up someone else was gonna die. And what if it was Sako? What would happen to (Y/n)?

She didn't know what she'd do if anything happened to that girl.

"I'm gonna kill him" she whispered.


I apologize for how short this chapter was, I'm trying to be more active on wattpad again but I have exams starting on the 14th.

I'll try to be more consistent after that though and it's gonna be a lil angsty after the next few chapters.

Now vote 🙂🔪

(On-Hold) Villain-In-Training | BNHA X ChildreaderWhere stories live. Discover now