My Villain Costume

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July 15th 2021

Random Obscure Question #1: Does Kurogiri sleep?


It was an early Saturday morning, (Y/n) woke up super early due to her falling asleep before the rest of the gang.

She turned to her side and saw her father still snoring his shiny curls scattered all over his face and bed. It had been a while since he cut his hair.

She smiled softly, she always thought her father was pretty and didn't like him putting on his mask. Of course she hadn't fully grasped the understanding of hidden identities.

On the other side was a window, which let in some moonlight. Who knew what the time was?

Nevertheless she hopped off the bed and scurried out the room, she was awake and there was no way she'd be falling asleep again.

Most of the lights were off but the reflection of the TV made it easy for her to navigate and find her way around the living room.

Her attention was caught as she heard someone's shallow snores coming from the couch.

"Oh! Greenie!" She beamed before slapping her hand on her mouth "shh... he's sleeping"

"Mmhmm" Spinner muttered in his sleep as he rolled to his side. He always seemed to fall asleep watching movies and everyone in the league had grown used to the fact that he used the couch more than his bed.

She pat his head softly "sleep tight" she smiled before walking to her destination.

On the opposite side of Tomura's room she stood.

'Should I knock?'

She shook her head and barged into the room climbing the bed. "Mommy?" She called tapping him sofly "are you sleeping?"


"Mommy?" She called again getting closer to him "Hey... Mommy"

"(Y/n). It is 4AM. Why are you up?" Kurogiri asked turning to face the child.

"I dunno" she shrugged "daddy's asleep. Can I stay here with you?"

"Why didn't you wake him" He asked sitting up.

"It's not nice to wake people up" she frowned "that's what you said"

'But you woke me' He thought.

"Alright then, now that I'm awake. Would you want us to do anything?" He asked.


"Alright. Shall we go prep for breakfast" He suggested and she nodded.

"What are we making?" She asked.

"How about steamed vegetables?" He asked as they walked hand in hand..mist? Out of the room.

No matter how broke the league got, it was always a gourmet experience when Kurogiri cooked. He wasn't as good a cook as Compress of course.

Although they rarely tasted Sako's cooking because he was lazy.

"With fish?" She asked.


"And miso soup!?!"

"And Ri-"

"Yes, (Y/n). There will be rice." He answered.

"Yes! Can I help?"

"Of course you can"


"No. You will not be touching the knife, (Y/n)" the man shuddered, remembering Dabi's traumatic experience.

(On-Hold) Villain-In-Training | BNHA X ChildreaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin