"Big Brother!"

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"Remember, Daddy will be gone for a few days. Gramps will check on you everyday. I trust you'll behave" Sako crouched down in front of the girl.

Sure they left for missions all the time. But this was going to be for 1-2 days. Now you'd think leaving a 4 year old home alone was stupid.

Well yes, it is stupid. No arguments.

Then again my momma did that to me and my sister all the time.

"Make sure to never open the door for anyone alright?" Kurogiri said sternly.

"Remember, if you hear loud noises that isn't us, go hide in the-"

"Safe room! I know!" The girl answered excitedly. She'd been training for situations like this since she could crawl. She was quite responsible when she wanted to be.

"And food?" Magne asked.

"Microwave! One minute!" She replied "and if it's still cold I do it again."

"No baths okay? Don't touch the stove. No wires. Got it?" Dabi pointed at the girl "don't be reckless, runt."

"I know! I know!" She nodded

"I left some new toys on your bed for you!" Toga explained "if you get scared you can just push the bear's tummy okay"

"And what'll that do?"

"It's a surprise."

"Okay! It's time for us to go"

"See you later (Y/n). Don't be scared, Kay?" Iguchi smiled, waving at the girl before exiting the room with Magne and Toga after saying their goodbyes.

"If you die, I'll kill you" Dabi threatened, storming out.

"Uh... whatever I guess" Goto cringed, lightly ruffling her hair. He still hated children though. There was just a tiny sliver of tolerance in his heart for her.

"I charged my switch.. you can play on it if you want" Tomura shuffled awkwardly in his spot "be good."

Sako let out one more sigh before pulling his daughter close to him for a long hug. Followed by a few pecks on the head. "I'll be home before you know it" he smiled softly almost tearing up under his mask.

"Bye bye daddy.." she smiled softly.

Back to the present

The toddler closed the fridge right after pulling her water out. This was the day after everyone had gone. Still no sign of them.

She began to get worried.... And lonely.

All she could do was be patient and wait.

She walked straight to her bedroom closing the door behind her.

Her and 2 of her quirk replicas ate dinner today so she wouldn't feel lonely.

(On-Hold) Villain-In-Training | BNHA X ChildreaderWhere stories live. Discover now