"I'll be your Doctor!"

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July 16th 2021.

Isn't Tomura the cutest😩💖

Tiz a short Chapter.


A few weeks went by in a blur and (Y/n) started training with Dabi. It wasn't much of training since he just made her run around.

Atleast he was building her endurance.

Tomura had been holed up in his room for a week and she just didn't know why.

So the child took it upon herself to cheer him up, figuring he'd be sad from not seeing anyone.

Poor kid didn't know he actually got shot at USJ.

His door swung open to reveal Tomura sprawled on the bed snoring softly.

She closer the door behind her and crawled onto his bed eager to wake him up.

"Tomu..." she called tapping his forehead until she paused. His temperature was really high. She was worried.

"Oh no he's sick!" She whisper yelled.

Immediately her thoughts of Kurogiri taking care of a few of the members popped into her head. She'd seed him put a wet cloth on their foreheads a million times.

She quickly picked up one of the garments on the floor and rushed to the washroom.

Unbeknownst to her, she picked up his underwear.

She rushed to the washroom opening the faucet to the bathtub. Completely soaking the underwear.

She then rushed back into the room, removing one of the hands, placing the underwear on Tomura's face.

He sprung up coughing as she basically drenched him in water.

"Wh- what? Why are you-"

"You're sick" she stated.

"...yeah?" He nodded slowly.

"I'll be your doctor!"

Tomura's breathing had finally calmed down as he looked down at the kid smiling brightly at him.

Then he noticed, his face felt bare.

His hand made it's way to his face and a panicked expression washed over him "where is father!?" He asked.

"He's taking a nap" she answered pointing at the hand she laid beside him on the pillow. (Y/n) didn't fully understand the reason for his attachment to those things but she always put that into consideration when doing things.

"Oh..." he calmed down.

"So! Here you go" she said, handing him the wet underwear.

"Eugh- why are you holding this?" He asked snatching it from her.

"To make the fever go away" she explained.

"...not... not with this" He stated "I'm fine"

"Noooo~ I wanna take care of you" she whined.

"I don't need-"

"Please!!" She whined resting on his leg.

"Ouch- Fuck" he winced pulling her hand off his leg.

"Oh no! I'm sorry" she gasped "is that where you got hurt? I'm sorry"

"It's fine" he mumbled, picking her up and dropping her on the other side of the bed.

"...should I tell you a story?" She asked.



"...what are you doing now?" He asked too tired to even push her away.

"Cuddles.." she mumbled into his shirt


"Because you're..... to make you feel better" she completed.

"I'm fine, (Y/n)" he sighed.

"But your leg..." she pouted "you got hurt really bad huh?"

"It's alright no-"

"Was...was it the heroes?" She sniffled finally meeting his gaze.

'Oh shit'


"Why don't they like us? Don't they know you're a good guy?" She asked, hiccuping as she began to sob.

"I'm not a good guy." He deadpanned. "Villains aren't good."

"Are too! You're nice! You help me with my homework and give me hugs" she protested.

"But I hurt poeple" he cut in "and that makes me bad"

"But the heroes hurt you. So they're bad!" she yelled the last part. "Why can't you tell them to stop?"

"It's not that sim-"

"Are they gonna keep doing this? What if they hurt you again? Or toga-chan....or daddy?" She cried.

"Oh man... come here" he surrendered pulling her into a tight hug as she sobbed uncontrollably. Kids will be kids.

"I don't want them to be mean to you" she cried "why can't they just go away"

"You're too young to worry about these things" He pat her back "we're all gonna be fine alright?"



"Can I sleep here?"



When Kurogiri got home, the bathtub was running, there was water all over the floor and he slipped on the floor.

"No Kurogiri, she's a child. Calm yourself" he whispered


Vote or else shiggy won't take care of you while you're sick🔪

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