Lesson 8 - Overstimulation or Humiliation

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Hie Hie!!!

How are you guys going? 

In advance, this is the dirtiest and, probably, the longest chapter of this book, so... here's your sea of holy water 🏊✝️, swim well in it!!!

Be ready!

I hope you like it!!! 💕

Warning: This chapter has cum play, if you don't like it, don't read it. Remember, only read what makes you feel okay.

Important: please read the ending notes!


It's been almost four months since Felix and Chan started their relationship, but even though it wasn't the conventional type of relationship, meaning it was based solely on desire and sex, both boys knew it wasn't just that, the last month since the last lesson proved it.

They have been spending free time together often, they care about each other more than they did at first, like when Felix got sick last week and Chan stopped by his house every day to make sure he was okay, even though he had already seen the younger in the morning as he kept going to school even being sick.

Or when Chan was the only one in his class to get the top score on a songwriting project and Felix congratulated him with a blowjob in the car, not that it was his own idea though.

Moments like these made them realize that they were very comfortable with each other, everything seemed casual as they were already entirely part of each other's daily lives. Maybe it was just a friendship with a very strong connection, or it was something much bigger...

Felix has been feeling so comfortable with the older one that he decided to ask him something that has been bothering him for quite some time...

"Hey, Channie..."

Yes, in the end, Felix got used to calling Chan that way.

"Hm" Chan hummed.

They were at the younger's house, as Chan's parents returned from a work trip and Felix's mother had warned him that she wouldn't be coming home until the next day.

"You know... I..." He straightened his position on the couch, sitting cross-legged facing Chan "I don't know what today's lesson will be, but I'm pretty sure I know what the last one will be and sometimes I think it never com-"

"What do you think it will be?" Chan interrupted.

"W-Well we'll go all the way, won't we?" Felix asked, blushing.

"And do you know what "all the way" means, prince?" He asked tilting his head and arching one of his eyebrows.

"Yes, I know!"

"What does it mean?"

"Chan!" Felix's cheeks were tinted red again "We'll... You'll p-penetrate me with your..." He whispered and pointed down.

"But we already do that when you let me fuck your mouth" Chan smirked crossing his arms.

"Then you say that I don't have a filter in the way I say things" He mumbled pouting "You know what I mean, so stop this shit, dumbass!"

"How do you know about it, huh?"

"It doesn't matter! But, Chan, it seems to me that you're dragging everything out as long as possible just so we don't get there" Felix smiled weakly "You know... when we started our thing, the main goal was my virginity, it's been almost four months and I'm still a virgin, is there something wrong with me?" He looked down.

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