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Jordyn and Daryl dragged him off as Taylor and Rosita followed behind them, leaving as if they were never there.

The five were now a fair distance away from the Sanctuary, Taylor walking alongside Daryl and Jordyn and Rosita walked with Eugene.

"I can't help but suspect that the reason I'm being taken alive is, despite...what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbor a vestigial nostalgia for out erstwhile camaraderie. And in light of that, I'm willing to just shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see much a time as you're ready to break the ice, one traveling companion-" Eugene rambled on, Daryl spinning around and pressing his crossbow to him before holding up his hunting knife to his face.

"Shut yer mouth before I cut yer tongue out!" He ordered, Taylor resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Daryl, hey. We need him alive, okay? He gets it. He'll just stay quiet.".

Rosita nodded as Eugen scurried back in fear, "We got to keep going. They have to be out looking for him by now.

Daryl glared down Eugene before striding ahead angrily.

"Thank you. I-" Eugene began, but Rosita, Taylor, and Jordyn interrupted him.

"Shut up.".

"Let's go." Rosita griped, she and Jordyn shoving him ahead.

"So," Taylor sighed, catching up with Daryl, "What are we gonna do with him when we get back?".

"Don' no. Put him ta' work an' make him use that fuckin' brain o' his an' make him cook us up some bullets. We need 'em ta' finish the Saviors once an' for all." He replied as they walked down a hill.

The two and Jordyn turned around at hearing Eugene gasp, seeing Rosita press her gun into his chin.

"You're selfish, and you're a coward, and you're a traitor. You turned your back on the only friends you ever had. Shooting you in the head right here would actually make the world a better place." She spat, lowering her gun, "But we're not gonna kill you, not because we give a rat's ass about you. We just need what's in there! We're gonna stick you in the darkest hole we can find, and the only time you'll see the light of day is when we need you to teach us how to do something. So don't worry—you'll get what you want. You'll live. But we're gonna force you to do something useful with your pathetic life.".

She then shoved him forward as the five continued moving.

Eugene had betrayed them, but they needed him to win against the Saviors; to stop them once and for all.


down a new road, coming up to the car they had taken and parked a ways out from the Sanctuary to get Eugene.

The only problem was that a group of walkers surrounded the car.

"They must've heard us pull up. Me an' Taylor got it. You two keep an' eye on Eugene." Daryl said, shooting a walker in the head with his crossbow and Taylor doing the same before rushing up to another walker with her hunting knife out, kicking it in the knee before stabbing it in the head.

She turned around, Daryl still taking out the walkers as she heard a gag, seeing Rosita and Jordyn covered in vomit.

Walking up to them, she winced, pinching her nose, "That is fucking disgusting. Please don't tell me Eugen vomited on you guys.".

"Yes." Jordyn groaned as Rosita rushed after Eugene, wiping her face, "He did.".

Once all the walkers were gone, Taylor, Jordyn, and Daryl went with Rosita to find Eugene.

Walking up to a large pile of ash, dust, and boned, Daryl pointed to a set of footprints, "He couldn't have got far. C'mon.".

They then rushed ahead as Rosita said, "We can't let him get back to them! If you see him, blow that pig's head off!".


they still hadn't found Eugen and gave up, deciding to head back to the car, as the three four were all exhausted, sweaty, and filthy.

Breathing a sigh of relief as Taylor hopped into the back seat, she groaned, "Well that went like shit.".

Daryl muttered as he started up the car, "You said it.".

Looks like they wouod have to find another way to get the bullets they needed for the war...

To Be Continued...
Word Count: 1242
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