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(season zero, episode one)


THE PUTRID STENCH OF blood permeated the darkness as Taylor Thompson scrambled down the congested highway. She weaved through the masses of individuals and vehicles along the once reasonably desolate road a few miles out from the outskirts of Atlanta.

Her Converse snagged on an unknown object, and she let out a startled yelp as her hands flew out to guard her face, bracing for impact.

She returned to Earth with a hard thud as her hands, forearms, knees, and legs smacked into the pavement, releasing a painful whimper as she lifted her throbbing head.

Glimpsing down, she inspected the damage, noticing bits and pieces of graphite and pebbles ensconced into her silky ivory skin. The diminutive gashes began to raise swarthy red blood. She assumed her legs were in similar condition.

Of course. Just her luck.

The young teen lamented as she hoisted herself from the pavement, attempting to recollect herself as she shouted into the chaotic dusk, "Merle!? Daryl!?"

To her dismay, she received no reply, "Lori!? Shane!?"

The result was identical. Taylor had no other alternative but to press forward.

Her heart practically leaped out of her chest, her skin flushing with goosebumps as a brawl broke out a few feet to her left. Two young men were taking swings at the other amid the night's chaos as fellow evacuees attempted to break it up, and Taylor took it as all the more reason to continue down the highway and resume her search.

Stifling a groan, she utilized an old BMW beside her to push herself back to her feet.

She froze, her eyebrows knitting in confusion as a low hum consumed her ears, and she turned her attention to the milky black sky.

Despite all the death, chaos, and blood in the muggy air, the stars twinkled brightly, unscathed and unharmed, up high in the sky. Their beauty was mesmerizing.

Slowly turning around, the once quiet hum rapidly grew to an eir-piercing roar of engines, and the young brunette watched in stunned shock as a cluster of black helicopters soared across the canvas of the sky.

The stiff trees began moving in the breeze, the dark green leaves blanketed by night, rustling wildly in the wind as Taylor's hair blanketed behind her like a cape.

She rubbed her bare arms as the chilling air crept down her spine, and the group of black helicopters sped on past, making a direct line toward the towering, glimmering buildings of Atlanta, peaking over the tree line.

The young teen felt lost and isolated as the energy surrounding her soared.

The onlookers had all been rattled by the helicopters' appearance. Quickly snatching up light sources, they submerged into the canopy of the trees just off the highway in the general direction that the helicopters had gone.

If we all saw it , she considered, they had to see it too .

Smiling, the new thought reassured her and ignited a ray of hope inside her as she slipped over the metal guard railing, her sneakers making contact with the grassy hills of the forest.

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