Blake Belladonna X Female Reader: Dogs

Start from the beginning

The ice queen slapped Blake's hand and brought the blind fold down to eliminate her sight. "Nope keep that on. That is the only way this will work." Weiss said. Blake flinched back from the slap, but settled down and waited to hear what Weiss wanted her to do. Blake's teammate took a deep breath in and looked down at the paper she had written up as she exhaled.

She put a hand on Blake's shoulder and gently made her lay on her back to make her feel more comfortable. "Now to help with your problem I want you to take a deep breath and imagine you lying on a field of grass. The sun's ray radiating down on you. Sound only coming from the wind. Not a single thing to be worried about in the world." Weiss said, describing the scene.

Blake did as she instructed and gave a soft smile at the idea of this quiet and nice atmosphere that would be a perfect place to read her books. Once the cat Faunus sighed happily Weiss smirked seeing how well this was going so far and continued with the next part of her plan. "Alright, now imagine yourself looking across this peaceful scenery seeing that it is even more beautiful than you thought." Weiss said.

Blake slightly nodded and can picture perfectly which is a thing readers who have read books for years can easily do. With this all going as she expected Weiss decided now was the time to apply the main part of her plan. "As you were looking suddenly you see something on the ground. It was just a few feet away from you and not even ¼ your size. The thing was white, fluffy and seemed to be very calm." Weiss said.

Hearing this Blake seemed to tense up a slight bit, but not enough to look scared or uncomfortable. "You kneel down a bit on your knees to see what it was and suddenly the white thing turned around. That is when you saw its face and you realized it was a dog." Weiss said. Blake looked about ready to jump out of bed and run as soon as she heard the word dog, yet she stayed when she heard Weiss continue speaking. "This dog was unlike any other dog you met." Weiss said.

After Weiss said that she figured it was time to initiate the second phase of her scheme. She reached down and pulled up Zwei, who Weiss then placed next to Blake. So far Weiss' plan of making Blake imagine a nice dog then later revealing Weiss put Zwei next to her in order to see dogs can be nice was going swimmingly. All Weiss had to do now was make Blake imagine the dog in her head was nice and non threatening at all before showing her Zwei standing next to her.

"The white dog looks so nice and friendly that you could tell that just by looking in its eyes it wanted to be friends with you. You weren't afraid of a dog, since you couldn't possibly be scared of something so small you could fit it in a purse." Weiss said down playing it as much as she can. Zwei moved closer to Blake that it actually got in her, knocking the wind out of Blake.

The heiress panicked as she forgot to account for Zwei being energetic and moving. Not wanting to let this ruin things, she then started saying what Zwei was doing. "T-The dog leaped up, but fortunately with your greater strength it didn't send you to the ground. You were even able to hold it easily." Weiss said.

Blake seemed to believe that was part of her imagination which relieved Blake, until she saw Zwei about to lick her face. "Now the dog is licking your chin as it is showing you loving affection." Weiss said. Sure enough Zwei did as Weiss said he would, which Blake didn't seem to notice at all.

With one part left before taking the blindfold off Weiss figured it was now time to show how a dog can be affectionate if Blake gives one the chance. "It is so adorable and loving that you couldn't help, but pet it." Weiss said, smiling at the sight. Blake smiles as she does as she hears Weiss says she is doing.

Unfortunately it doesn't last because unlike in Blake's imagination Zwei is not in her arms and is on top of her. So when Blake petted him she accidentally pressed some sensitive undercarriage. That is what made Zwei turn violent and bite her hand. Blake screamed in pain and then ripped the blindfold off.

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