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(to leave abruptly)

26th December,2021

PARK SEO WOO could feel his heart drop as he stared at the person infront of him. He was lost in the abyss of fear and confusion. Park Ji Hoon wasn't dead afterall. He was standing right infront of him, alive. He was sure that he was not hallucinating because the image infront of him was too clear to deny.

"Long time no see, Park Seo Woo." Ji Hoon hissed, his eyes travelling on his profile like a snake preparing to catch it's predator. He seemed a bit different, the passage of time had definitely left its imprint on him altogether.

Seo Woo couldn't utter a word. His body was visibly shaking, a vein throbbing at his temples. Befuddled, he stared at Ji Hoon. Why in the world were they facing each other?

He held his head out of reflex and closed his eyes briefly. Blood. He could remember the blood he had tinted his hands with. Ji Hoon's blood.

"Why would you be here? Why would you be alive? How are you breathing?" Seo Woo managed to voice it out, a hand resting on his mouth.

"Let's meet outside then. We have a lot to catch up, afterall." Ji Hoon pressed his hand on Seo Woo's shoulders. There was poison hidden somewhere in his words.

"I will meet you in a few minutes." Seo Woo whispered and looked briefly towards Si Woo, who was looking at their direction, confusion visible on her face.

Ji Hoon was quick to notice that. "Seems like you got yourself involved with some chick. Pretty good one I must say. Never thought that you are capable enough to involve yourself with a woman."

"Don't eye her. Leave her out of this. We are the ones in a conflict. Not her." Seo Woo brushed his hand off his body and eyed him sternly.

Ji Hoon's lips immediately tugged into a grin. "Didn't know that the mighty Park Seo Woo would prioritise a girl. I must say that you have changed. You have something to lose now."

"She's not a part of our dirty games. We'll only talk if you promise to not involve her."

"Oops, I am scared." Ji Hoon raised his hands as if he was surrendering. "I'm not interested in her. I'm only interested in you."

Ji Hoon didn't wait for his reply. He walked out of the arena. Seo Woo took a few seconds to gain his composure. His fingers raked through his hair, frustration and fear taking over him. This was not happening right then. He was already facing an emotional turmoil.

Si Woo walked towards him.

"What's the matter? Do you know the guy?" Si Woo questioned.

"Oh, it's an old friend. We have a lot to catch up. Can you please pay the bill?" he shoved the money in her hand, distractedly.

"Umm... Sure. Are you sure it's your friend? He seemed a bit rough."

"Oh, don't worry. I know him since ages. We had lost contact and we met coincidentally." he explained."Now, after you pay the bill, return straight to your home. Not my house."

"What do you mean? I can't return home today. You saw how my mom is. She will eat me up."

"I can't argue now. Please understand and go back. It's the safest place to be in." said Seo Woo, impatiently.

"Okay-" Si Woo understood that he was not willing to persuade her at that moment.

Seo Woo darted out. He was preparing himself mentally. Ji Hoon was not an easy person to deal with. Knowing him for years was enough for him to know his true colours.

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