18 | atelophobia

50 9 40




(an obsessive fear of imperfection)

27th December, 2021

PARK SEO WOO couldn't help but giggle at the sight of a sleeping Si Woo. She looked adorable to the bones. She was on the bed, her hands clutching the pillow to keep in place, under her head. Her locks were all over the place, a bundle of some covering her features. The blanket was roughly pulled against her frame and she looked cold.

He had woken up a couple of minutes ago and had come to check on Si Woo. The room smelled like her, a tinge of a citrus scent lingering in the air. It was so unusual to see her right in the morning.

Opening up to Si Woo seemed to be like a miracle. He kept discovering his soft side more whenever he was along with her. She seemed like a home where he was able to return to. Was this what his doctor was trying to say? The magic of falling in love with other human.

Seo Woo was thinking about making some coffee. He wasn't a caffeine addict but since he had someone special over, he wanted to look a bit cool. He wanted to appear clean and tidy but the room was exactly the opposite. He was a bit concerned about how well she slept, considering that she was in a new place.

He marched forward to her bed and tugged the white floral blanket. Si Woo tossed and turned, a groan escaping her lips.

He smiled to himself and walked away. The kitchen was exactly on the opposite of the room, it was a small space with no wall seperating them.

Seo Woo opened the cupboard and peeked into it. There was only empty containers. Two cans of booze greeted him from the back. There was absolutely nothing.

He had no idea about how he was going to make breakfast. He always ate outside because cooking was quite the labour for him.

"Good morning." Si Woo said, taking him by surprise. She was still lying down, her eyes half-open.

"Oh, you're up. Good morning." Seo Woo replied huskily as he closed the cupboard and faced her.

"Goodness, your morning voice is alluring." Si Woo sat up and moved her hair from her face.

"Look at you, using flowery language." Seo Woo teased. "Did you sleep in those uncomfortable clothes? I am really sorry about it. I should have had arranged something better."

"You worry too much. It's fine. I slept well." she assured, gesturing that it was okay with her hands.

"Your face says the opposite. Your eyeliner and lipstick is smudged and it's all over your face." Seo Woo resisted the urge to laugh.

"Oh my god, don't look at me." Si Woo bellowed as she covered her face with her hand. She should have had thought about the possibilities of looking ugly early in the morning. Why did she have to greet him before checking?

"I already did. You still look pretty." Seo Woo now ended up sneering.

"Ah, where's the bathroom?" she asked, embarrassment reaching its peak. She didn't know how she was going to face him with a smile on her face. He had already seen how she looked like.

"On the left side of the other room." he instructed as his hands pointed at the room he had slept the other night.

Si Woo dashed towards the room, making sure that her face did not meet Seo Woo's again. She was afraid that he was going to laugh again.

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