16 | cafunè

56 11 67




(the act of caressing or tenderly running fingers through a loved one's hair)

25th December, 2021

PARK SEO WOO stood infront of the door, lost in the hundreds and thousands of thoughts that came rushing into his mind momentarily. He brushed the bits of snow that was peeking through the corners of his coat. He held the umbrella high above his head to avoid being bathed in the first snowfall of the year.

He couldn't help but feel dubious.

Firstly, he wasn't really sure whether he was dressed appropriately. When Si Woo called him suddenly and asked him to come over for dinner, he was left puzzled. She had not bothered to give him a proper explanation about it. She told him that there was this party they were throwing in honour of Christmas. He was sure that her mother would be present too. Was she going to introduce him as someone special?

Park Seo Woo would have laughed on one's face if they were to tell him months back that he would be contemplating about how to face Mrs. Lee. She was his customer and of course, he had been quite casual all this time. He had never bothered to carefully slice open her characteristics using his observation skills. She had been just another insignificant person in his mundane life. To his great wonder, she was now someone who had the power to make him cry.

Secondly, he was embarassed about how he had pounced on Si Woo the other day. The memories of them kissing was something really sweet. He pondered about how she thought of it throughout the last two days. He himself was totally out of reality's grasp for sure. However, he was reluctant to contact her about how their relationship would advance. He couldn't help but think she might push him away. A heart-breaking rejection was suddenly a possible scenario for the future.

He was new to this universe of liking someone and he couldn't ask for someone's advice. All he knew was Mr. Kim, the colonel who would pick up random conversations with him at times. He was way older than him and it would have been embarassing if he were to ask him. Mr. Kim was still chummy about his wife though. It was cute how that grumpy man was attracted to his wife after being married for years and followed every word. A true family man in literal sense.

The house was looking a bit fancy than usual with the strings of twinkling light adorning the railings. A wreath was attached above the door. The Lee's had even added cotton balls on the floor to give a snow effect.

What if Si Woo didn't like him? What if she refused to be in a relationship? Was he even of her league? In the rush of kissing her, he never asked her whether she was dating someone. The only possible scenario for that case would be her telling him that she had casually kissed him and it meant nothing. The most he could face was a heartbreak.

Suddenly, the door swung open, cutting his thoughts short. Seo Woo's eyes met Si Woo who was staring back at him.

"Oh, I thought you weren't coming. Welcome!" she smiled brightly. "I was just about to give you a call."

Seo Woo found him smiling back. "I wouldn't miss this opportunity to visit. It's a Christmas party, right?"

Seo Woo was a bit flustered as he saw how Si Woo looked a bit different than the other times he saw her. She had put on some light make-up, her torso donning a red bodycon. Her hair was set free against her shoulders and some locks lingered against her forehead and collarbones. Si Woo had been totally casual till this date so it kind of caught him off-guard .

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