19 | whelve

45 8 57




(to hide something)

26th December, 2021

LEE SI WOO felt her heart thrashing against her chest as Seo Woo held her hand. His warm, rough hand was wrapped around hers, firmly. She still wasn't used to his touch. It felt new every single second. His scent, his smile, his eyes and touch. She gripped the rails and climbed up the small staircase that was infront of the house, following Seo Woo's lead.

Seo Woo had finally agreed to show her his garage. He put the key into the hole of the lock, his other hand still holding onto Si Woo's.

He pulled open the shutter in one go as soon as the lock opened. The dark room, was immediately lightened up by the rays of sunlight that seeped into every corner from the front.  

"Wow." Si Woo gasped as her gaze travelled on the interior.

The room was painted in white. Two motorcycles stood parked at the corner. A big black rack was attached on the wall. All sort of tools were arranged on it.  Si Woo could only imagine him working skillfully from dawn till dusk, with a white vest and khaki pants.

"It's a bit dusty here. I really should clean the entire house one day. No one really visits me so I did not bother to keep it squeaky clean." Seo Woo put his palm on his face, a little embarassed about how unhygienic he was looking.

Si Woo couldn't help but giggle at his words. "Maybe I could help you with that."

"Oh, don't bother. I don't want to make you do this trivial task." Seo Woo shook his hands violently.

"You should stop treating me this good. I am not some princess, you know? I should be useful to my boyfriend sometimes."

Seo Woo felt colour rushing on his porcelain cheeks. "You should say this often. Remind me sometimes that I am your boyfriend."

"Are you blushing? Finally! I was hoping to accomplish this." Si Woo peered at his face intently. "You look cute."

"Ah, stop it." Seo Woo smiled, hiding his face even more.

"Gosh, I didn't think you would get flustered so easily."

"You have seen the garage now. We should head out for breakfast. I am still ashamed about how I only fed you a single egg."

"You seem to overthink everything. It's no big deal. I can't expect a guy's fridge to be overloaded with food."

"What do you want to eat?" Seo Woo's lips formed a thin line. "Don't even think about declining this. Think of this as a date."

"A date? Now, that's different. But, how do I go outside with this outfit? I think I should slip back into my dress."

"Isn't that hella uncomfortable?"

"It is." she mumbled."Usually, I go for simple and modest clothes but I thought about trying something different. I wanted you to notice me."

"I already notice you every second we are together." Seo Woo said incredulously, the idea of someone dressing up just for him seeming ludicrous to him. "Don't change yourself for such silly causes."

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