21 | exulansis

65 11 47




(the tendency to give up trying to talk
about an experience because others
are unable to relate to it)

26th December, 2021

LEE SI WOO was expecting to get bombarded with questions from Bitna's side. However, a wild spirit like Na Bitna didn't make a sound when she entered her dorm room. She just looked at her once with lifeless eyes once and returned her attention back to the blaring television screen. Of course, it was a replay of her favourite k-drama of all time - 'Goblin'.

The setting sun casted a luminous orange glow and shadows on the white curtains that were hanging infront of the windows. She quietly shut the windows. The mosquitoes would be feasting on them if she didn't do it.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" Si Woo dropped her tote bag on the sofa.

"Why would I? You left me all alone in your house. Are you returning finally?" Bitna murmured without sparing her a glance.

"Hey, I am sorry about that. I had no choice but to run away for that day. You saw how my mother was behaving. I couldn't digest those attacks. We talked about it on call. Did you have a memory loss?"

"See." began Bitna as she turned towards Si Woo, her eyes momentarily leaving the telivision screen. "I get everything. But, was I enough to fight your mom? I must say, she's one tough lady. You could drag me out too. I was about to cry after all that drama. See mam, I have been raised very carefully. I can't imagine how you handle that intimidating lady."

"I'm sorry about that, truly. Did she not ask about my whereabouts?" Si Woo bit her nails nervously.

"Obviously." Bitna rolled her eyes. "Your mother probably spent the night in the balcony, waiting for you. She didn't make her intentions clear but we all knew."

"In this cold? You're exaggerating. It was probably half an hour maximum."

"I'm not." Bitna sighed. "She was out, without sleep and food. Her friends tried to persuade her to come inside but she insisted that she wanted to stay there. They were nice enough to gossip about it. Though she didn't say anything, she was clearly worried about you. I could totally feel it."

"I see." Si Woo looked away.

"That's it? Aren't you worried about her? I left your house early in the morning and I found her sitting in the verandah all alone. Her friends went back too. I hope your mother isn't running a fever or something."

"I don't care. Let her be. She brought it upon herself."

"I agree that she was harsh but think from her point of view too. She was just being protective. Isn't that what mother's do?" Bitna tried to pacify her. "You should call her."

"No way. I won't call her. Now don't take her side. She's just unreasonable. I can't stand it. She has to meddle with my life in every way. She even has problem with how I breathe. I am an adult now and can take decisions for myself. She should be more understanding."

"Si Woo, calm down." Bitna patted her back. "See, I know that I shouldn't overstep my boundaries but I think she might be right. You can't deny the possibilities right? Seo Woo can be a dangerous guy. Not all rumours are false. They have an element of truth hidden somewhere."

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