"I-I can't," she stuttered. 

I nodded, a small smile on my lips, "I know. It's alright." 

A comfortable silence fell over us, and I sipped at my nearly empty tea cup, my finger mindlessly trailing around the lip of the cup. My mind roamed free, and I greedily enjoyed the comfort of silence. My life lately was moving so fast, I had dreamed of this moment—I dreamed of Fionn saving me from that village and that life and finally it had happened. Yet, now I found myself trapped in a world of courtship and constant change. I was only being ignored because everyone knew I came from that little village, eventually that would fade and I would be expected to do as good as Fionn was doing. 

A soft sigh left my lips. 


I looked up, and smiled slightly. Fionn stood in the entrance way of the tower. As he walked forward into the opening room where I sat with my tea, Loli rose, giving an elegant bow before moving to pull open a chair for him. He sat without acknowledging her, and she quickly poured him a cup of lavender and honey tea. 

"I heard you found a dress," he said with a warm smile. 

I nodded, happy he had come to visit, "It's a really pretty shade of green. I think it's too much, the price was ridiculous, I almost fainted." 

He laughed, "All the prices are like that here. Lucky for you, I can afford it." 

"Speaking of that," I hummed, staring at him curiously, "How do you make so much money? Bram said you were Prince Erik's guard but you'd also be his advisor? What does that mean exactly, just what is your role?" 

He hesitated slightly before nodding, "I suppose I should explain. Eventually, when Erik becomes King, I will become his second in command, so to speak. He will have three advisors but I will be the closest to him. Of course, I would move from his guard to his direct general."

My eyes widened, "Oh."

He smiled slightly, taking a long drink of the tea, "Which means I will be considered a royal by title, which means you will also be considered a royal by title." 

My stomach curled at that, my lips growing dry, "But Fionn...I-I don't know if I can do that. I'm barely understanding just the basics of what it means to be a Nobel, how could I possibly become a royal?" 

"Do not worry," he chuckled softly, "We have plenty of time before that happens. By then you might even be married. No doubt you'll catch the eyes of many royals at the ball tomorrow night. It won't only be Ipuinia people there, but also the royals and some nobles from Neorian will also be there." 

I gasped, "What? W-Why?" 

"She will want to show off the gems she had collected," he explained, "The royals of Neorian had given her many as gifts. So she will have them on display as a sign of respect, however, it is also to show off her power, her top elementals will be at the ball. The treaty between our two countries have been strong but not without issues. Not to mention the disappearance of the king's brother about twenty three years ago." 

I tilted my head at that, "Does Neorian think Ipuinia was behind it?" 

"No," he sighed deeply, "And yes. It's complicated." 

A deep silent dread fell over me, I was not taught these darker politics in my history class, and now I worried greatly. Did this mean we were on the brink of war? That would mean Fionn would be sent off to fight—he was one of the best elementals after all. 

"Ara," he said softly, "Don't worry about anything alright?" 

I sniffled, "How can I not?"

"Everything will be alright," he leaned into take my hand, "There will be no war. In time Ipuinia and Neorian will have their relationship fixed and it won't be from the Queen's fear."

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