Emergency Meeting!

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A/N: Since I am a lazy chimera, I'll be shorten Hound Dog's name to HD from now on.

3rd POV:

It was only the next day after Izuku tried to kil himself that Hound Dog announced a meeting with the other teachers and the principal himself. The reason seemed pretty obvious since everyone knew what happened to Izuku Midoriya. However none ot them were prepared to hear something like what he was about to say.

This was why they were all in a room together.

Vlad King: Why in the devils name did you call us all togther!

Thirteen: That really is unlike you.

HD: Can't the school chanclor call a meeting too?

Snipe: Last time you did that you and RG wanted to eliminated the war game for good.

HD: Well about that...

RG: You are not gonna say you want it back again.

HD: Not if it were not for the sake of a student.

Aizawa (eyebrow rased): Sake of a student?

Nezu: I assume you are talking about Midoriya.

HD: Correct.

RG: What has that to do with him? He is suicidal!

Nezu: That is not the only problem he has.

Aizawa: *sigh* what do I not know else?

All Might: That boy has some troubles?

Cementoss: Did you hear about it? He took a knife and stabbed himself nearly to death.

Nezu: Which leas us to where we are.

Thirteen: But I don't get it. If he is suicidal why bring the war game back?

Power Loader: I am in. My support classes are asking for it all the time since they are making the weapons and costumes for it. It's a good learning opportunity for them.

Nezu: I believe everyone knows my stand int his.

Aizawa: I am against it!

Vlad King: So am I!

All Might: I never experienced it and don't even know what you guys are tlaking about. I mean as a student they were the best.

RG: I am against it. I need to heal everone afterward!

Ectoplasm: I don't mind them.

Mic: As far as I can comment on then I am in.

Midnight: Me too. I love seeing them clash at each other and not holding back. The villain team is always looking soo good!

Mic: You only love the kids in the villain costumes.

Midnight: Never denied that one.

Aizawa: Now tell me why my problem child needs this.

Nezu: It seems as he developed a split personality that calls himself Zuku.

Aizawa: And why do I don't know about this?

HD: He rarely shows himseefl as Midoriya was motived to live. He explained to me that the kid had zero faith in himself and that this would be a good chance for himself to prove how much he can do. I honestly believe it would be for the best if we bring the war game back just this year. I want to help him recover and this is the best way.

RG: *Sigh* Beating other kids up is a good way?

HD: May I point out Bakugo's and Todorki's name as well as Yaoyorozu and Iida.

RG: I already know that class 1A has problems.

Vlad King: See my class doesn't have them.

HD: You sure about that? What about Monoma or Tetsutetsu?

Vlad King: Pst! They don't have to know.

Aizawa: What was that about your class don't having any problems?

Vlad King: Fine.

Aizawa: If it is for the sace of my problem child then I am in.

RG: *Sigh* Is there no other way?

Nezu: This would be the most efficent one. I am surprised Zuku told you about it.

HD: He specifically said that they were both one and the same just two different sides of a coin. He only exists to make Izuku happy and also protect him.

Thirteen: But why didn't he stop him then from killing himself?

HD: Izuku had a strong will on that one and the other one couldn't show himself.

Nezu: He was there for a split second but Izuku took over.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Nezu: So I assume that everyone is fine with rbinging the war game back for this year only?

It was a matter of fact that no one wanted to see a student die. Since Midoriya went this far they all were scared of what he might do and since they had a solution in front of them, they might as well try and keep their eyes on the little green bean. There was after all no telling what he would do. Little did he know that this was all just an act and that the real chaos would soon start.

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