Can I kill him? Please!

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I was in my room laying in my bed having my wing open and thinking about my past right after I took a nice hot shower. It was refreshing and the best part was that I didn't need to see these stupid idiot for the day anymore.

I can't believe I am still here!

Like why!



This is stupid!

Can I just burn them down like Dabs did!

I wanna go back to him soo badly!

I feel like loosing my mind here!

Not only is their stupidity rubbing off on people but I fear that they will kill every single last brain cell of mine while I am here!

How dumb can heroes be?

Like what the actual fuck!

They call me a villain but Bakugo beating up people and screaming die as well wanting to name himself KingExplosionMurderer is fine?


All they all blind!

You are still the same like I used to know you!

A huge motherfucking explosivr son of a bitch!

I will have fun killing you when the time comes!

As I was laying in my bed thinking about how stupid this whole situation was, I suddenly felt a presence in the room that made me take out the hidden dagger I had from being Usagi and threw it in the same direction I felt the presence.

However after I let go of the knife and it flew out of my hand I saw that it was just Kurogiri. That walking portal came in without knocking. At least he didn't expect me not to react this was and teleported the knife at the floor. So that it got stuck there before he picked it up and came over to give it back to me.

Kurogiri: I believe this is yours.

Ahh fucking finally!

I was getting sick of just waiting here with them!

These people are toxic!

Shiggy sure took his sweet time to get me!

Me: Thanks. Some news?

Kurogiri: Yes. Shiggy send me to get you.

Me: Thank the devil! Finally!

Kurogiri: ...


You didn't expect me to say thank god did you?

I mean come on!

Good already discarded me as being useless and forgot about me when I was born quitkless!

It was AfO who gave it to me.

And it was god who just watched me suffer through all the bullying from Bakugo.

Where Dabs safed me and thought them a lesson... After I safed him from his own father.

What a turn of events that were...


God gave up on me so why should I still worship and believe in him?

I rather go with the devil than seeing god one more time.

In fact if I ever see god in person I'll kill that bitch too!

One by One (villain Izuku) (UA Civil war game)Where stories live. Discover now