Chapter:- 12

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Anfa's POV:

My eyes widened when I found her sitting in front of me. I found her eyes filling with tears while mine were also pooling up.

"Is she for real?" I asked looking at him who was looking at me.

"You can check." He said smiling at her and I shook my head.

"Are YOU able to see her?" I asked pointing at her and found her looking down.

"Go and check." I looked at him hearing him who blinked his eyes at me. I walked towards her with slow steps. If she is imagination then I want her to be in front of my eyes for a long time. She may disappear when I touch her. I touched her head and a gasp left from my mouth. Oh my Allah! She is real.

"Appiii." It came like a whisper. I sat down in front of her and hugged her tightly closing my eyes to let the tears fall down which I'm holding from a long time. I felt her hugging me back tightly. Thank you Allah. For keeping her safe. Thank you for bringing her to me. I pulled away after some time and she wiped my tears shaking her head while I did the same wiping her tears.  

"I'm sorry I took so much time to come to meet you. I'm sorry, little one. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I'm sorry, Anfi. I'm so sorry." She was saying and tears were rolling down her cheeks while I shook my head.

"I should be sorry because I promised that I'll come to meet you but I didn't get the chance. You wanted me to see you when I become something. I couldn't become something. Fate played a cruel game with me. I couldn't complete my last year, Appi. It was just some months." I said while a sob left my mouth and she wiped my tears. I don't even know if she was happy till now.

"And I don't even know if you were happy there or not. I don't even know if the man you got married took good care of you or not." I said looking at her whose head turned to her side. My eyes went to the man who was sitting beside her but he was looking at me with narrowed brows. What? Have I done something wrong? And who is he?

"Hey. You are talking about my brother, Bhabhi." My head turned to Abaan hearing him. Brother? Abaan's brother? That means the same 'Bhai' about whom Azlaan used to talk?

"Don't say that. He is sitting beside me." I heard Appi to find her pointing at him while I looked at him who was just looking at me.

"How should I react to this, love?" He said turning to her while all chuckled.
Love? Not bad, Appi.

"Well, I think someone has forgotten me." My head turned to the voice and my eyes widened finding Izhaan Bhai.

"When did you came, Bhai?" I asked going towards him and he looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Waah! I was invisible till now, right?" He said glaring at me while I just hugged him tightly shouting his name.

"Stop crying, baby doll. Everything is fine." He said patting my back and I sighed. I pulled away and he wiped my tears shaking his head.

"No crying from now on. I won't let you cry." He said kissing on my head making me close my eyes.

"As if I'm letting you take her away from me." I looked at him hearing him to find him sitting beside me.

"And as if I'm letting her to be here with you." Izhaan Bhai said rolling his eyes at him while I was just looking at them. What's going on?

"She is my wife. She has to live here." He said smiling at him and Izhaan Bhai glared at him.

"And she is my sister. She has the right to go to her house." Izhaan Bhai said and I sighed. Why are they fighting? They are weird. I looked at Appi to find her looking at Azlaan with a smile.

Bound To Love (Book II Of 'Destined To Be Together') (Completed) ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora