𝟒.𝟎𝟗 * 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄

Start from the beginning

"What is it then?" Yeonjun asked cautiously, stroking his feet with his hands, which were in blue and white striped socks.

Embarrassed, Beomgyu pulled his head in deeper. "I-I ..." he began, "I was pretty embarrassing yesterday ..."

A pinched smirk formed on Yeonjun's full lips. "The others asked awkward questions, it's not your fault." He took his hand and pulled it to him. "You've been drinking again after a while, don't be ashamed of it."

Beomgyu pushed his lower lip forward, not knowing how to respond or what to say to that. His counterpart was always understanding. That had to be a gift one really only got from higher powers. The younger leaned forward and was about to crawl into the black-haired boy's lap when Hwasa's voice interrupted his intention.

"You should really eat breakfast now! Your milkshake will start living if you don't."

Immediately, Yeonjun pulled down the blanket to reveal the two of them. They both glared at her before looking back up at his boyfriend.

"Come on," Yeonjun whispered as he tried to pull him up by the hand.

Rather reluctantly, Beomgyu allowed himself to be pulled to his feet, us followed into the kitchen where a veritable feast was prepared. At least by the standards of this household. Hesitantly, he sat down at the table, reached for the milkshake and took a sip. Definitely banana. He liked the taste. "This is delicious!" the 21-year-old expressed, immediately drinking the glass half empty as his gaze wandered over the sliced bread.

"Enjoy," Hwasa announced with a smile, reaching for a loaf of bread himself to smear with butter.

"You're up earlier than usual," Yeonjun noted, since the young dancer usually slept into the afternoon because of her job. "Do you have plans?" Meanwhile, he sipped his milkshake, smacking lightly at the delicious taste

Hwasa cleared her throat a little.

"Yeah," she confessed, trying to stifle a smile, "I have a date tonight."

Surprised, Beomgyu raised his eyebrows and was really happy for Hwasa. But since he had nowhere near as intimate a relationship with his savior as his boyfriend, he kept the curious questions to himself. "Oh!" the latter brought out to Beomgyu's happiness, "that's new! With whom?" Grinning curiously, Yeonjun took one of the sandwiches and tore off a piece without taking his eyes off her.

"With ... a work colleague?" her sentence sounded more like a question, because the word itself could only raise more questions. "He works as security at the club where I work," Hwasa added explanatorily, buttering her bread for what felt like five minutes already.

"Cool," Yeonjun smiled, genuinely happy for his mentor. She hadn't dated a man since he'd known her. She didn't really have time for friends either, so he could imagine that her life was pretty lonely sometimes. "A security guy," he grinned, "fortunately. Then he'll watch out for you, too."

Because that was important to Yeonjun, especially because he knew how dangerous this job was.

Hwasa smiled slightly, but then changed the subject, "How are you going to get to the Battle today? It might be difficult with the car." With that, she alluded to Beomgyu's fear of vehicles and looked at the ash blonde with slight concern.

"Maybe I should ... just try ..." Beomgyu muttered, knowing that the walk would be too far and they had too little money for public transportation. Especially since it would also be a waste to spend anything because of that.

Surprised, Yeonjun looked at him, "You really want to?"

It was really a surprise, but at the same time the black-haired boy was happy that Beomgyu wanted to get over himself.

✔ 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝟐 - 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑇𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒Where stories live. Discover now