Part 10: Secret's Out

Start from the beginning

Cassie: *whispers* Security wouldn't patrol an abandoned building. Hide!

The two rush behind the room of the entrance to the roof. Shortly after, the door gets kicked open, and Derek and Heather storm through.


Zephixa: *clutches her face in fear, and starts internally panicking and breathing rapidly*

Cassie: Zeph, quick. Hold onto me.

Zephixa: *clutches onto cassie*

Cassie attempts to leap onto the next building, but her foot gets grabbed and pulled back by Heather.

Heather: Not so fast.

Cassie: GET OFF ME!!! *kicks heather in the leg*

Heather: *stumbles back, but regains her footing so she doesn't fall off the building* You little-

Derek: *shoves heather out the way, and points his rifle at zephixa, who is hiding behind cassie* Well well well... We finally meet face to face.

Derek approaches at the two, and essentially is making them get closer to the edge which would go to a road.

Zephixa: W-Who a-are y-you? What do y-you want? 

Derek: The names Derek. Derek Hunter. Now, you may not recognise me, but trust me, I have quite the history with your filthy race.

Zephixa: W-What?

Derek: Oh come on, didn't that pathetic nature activist tell you about what I rightly did, and how you got stranded where you don't belong? 

Zephixa: ...!


Zephixa: Daddy... Why did you bring me here to live with humans?

Joshua: *sadly sighs* Well, it's a long story... didn't wanna tell you but, I knew you'd ask sooner or later. You see, I took you in because your mother... she was in a river, dying. She saw me, and told me to take care of you when you were just an egg... *pauses for a bit, then decides to explain* We used to have a group of hunters, who'd go around getting food and sometimes hunted for sport. One of those hunters was a ruthless man, and when he discovered a group of over 50 lamias, he shot them, and the rest of his men shot too. He was the only hunter to survive,  but around 40 lamias died, and the survivors went into hiding... we could never find them. Your very lucky your mother was able to get to me. But the hunter is in jail now, so your safe. I'll protect you from any more threats...

Back to the present.

Zephixa: I-IT WAS YOU?!

Derek: Oh, he did tell... I was worried nobody would tell anyone about my brave actions! Even if their tainting it and calling me the bad guy...


Derek: Bah, poppycock! Lamias aren't people, their monsters! If you ain't a human, you don't matter. Your weak, just look at you! Performing on some nonsense stage for a weak minded, worthless cause? Come on, I thought you lamias were meant to be smart... Eh, doesn't matter, it'll make killing you easier... 

Zephixa: *shivering in fear* S-Stop! J-Just because I'm not a h-human, it d-doesn't mean I'm a m-monster... W-What do you have against us?! Why do you like hurting us so much...

Derek: Already told you, your weak and inferior to us! But lemme tell you... You ain't the only one who knows what it's like to be alone, to be ignored ALL YOUR LIFE. Neglected by your OWN FAMILY! No matter how hard I tried to fit in the crowd, I wasn't even given any attention... I felt like a worthless sack of shit. But then one night, I got so sick of it all, I took it out on a wild rabbit. It felt great. To be stronger then something, to overpower something. I practised hunting more animals, and it was fun. I felt and got stronger, and I finally managed to fit in somewhere. In fact, I became one of the strongest hunters in the village, I was better then all those idiots who ignored me! I got respect, and I got to shoot animals whenever I wanted. When I shot those lamias with the others, it felt like the next step of being a hunter. And I was the only one who survived, which says a lot about me doesn't it?!

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