Part 9: Catching Feelings

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After a long and stressful flight, the plane lands back in America. They all exit the plane and check in, then wait for their luggage, which is taking a while.

Zephixa: I can't believe I'm back from my first holiday... It was so wild! 

Miyuki: So this is America? Looks a lot... more enclosed then I thought. A lot of conveyor belts! *looks to the right and sees a poster* HEY LOOK! IT'S NEW YORK! *runs over and rams into the poster, then falls over* Damn barriers...

Cassie: We're only in the airport right now, wait till your outside. Besides, New York is hundreds of miles away. It's cooler where we are, anyways. 

Zephixa: Guys, I gotta go to the toilet, I'll be right back. *slithers over to the toilet, goes, and comes back out again*

Suddenly, a man in a hood walks over to Zephixa. It's secretly Midnight, who temporarily puts on a more upbeat voice.

Midnight: Oh my, this can't be... Your...

Zephixa: Look, I'm not going to hurt you...


Zephixa: O-Oh! *thinks: "A fan already? That concert is better then I thought!"* Yeah! I am. Nice to meet you!

Midnight: So cool! You know, I liked that blue haired girl a lot. What was her name again? I forgot.

Zephixa: Her name is Cassie, and I don't think I should say her last name...

Midnight: Privacy, yes yes, good idea! *gets slightly less energetic in his tone* I am a little confused, though... why was she a dancer? She's a human, but you and Miyuki aren't... The song was cool, and theme was about acceptance... I don't understand why a second human was there.

Zephixa: *sweats a bit, but decides to push through* Ah... Well, Cassie has had a... difficult life. She lost her family when she was nine, and she's always felt like she didn't belong, so she tried to fit in with the crowd while keeping low key... She was always scared that if people found out more about her, and her secret hobbies, that people would judge and scorn her, perhaps hurt her... We used to butt heads a lot, as she at first thought I was weird, and wasn't very nice to me, so people wouldn't pay attention to her... But then, I saw her, hurting... I reached out, and she turned out to be a nice girl deep down, just... terrified of the outer world. She realised she was wrong to treat me badly, and we became good friends! She's been protective, helpful and supportive. She learned to accept... and that's why she's in the dance. She may be a human, but she felt unwanted, like me and Miyuki. She's my best friend... *slightly blushes*

Midnight: Wow... that's a lot to take in... that makes a lot of sense thinking about it... You know, I'm glad we had this conversation! I gotta go now, or I'll miss my bus. Bye! *runs off*

Zephixa slithers back to Cassie and Miyuki.

Midnight: *walks off and takes his hood off* Thank you for the information, dear girl... So naive...

Zephixa, Cassie and Miyuki eventually get their suitcases (after Miyuki got pulled off by security for literally trying to ride and surf the conveyor belts) and get out of the airport. 

Zephixa: Alright guys... I don't know how your gonna fit in my van... I use it to fit my tail...

Cassie: How on earth do you use gears without feet?

Zephixa: Well... It's kinda complicated, but the van has a special design.

Suddenly, a teen shouts from the distance.


Teen 2: "LEGDI-CAPPED" HAHA GOOD ONE MATE! *laughs and high fives his friend* THAT CAT BITCH TOO, SHE NEEDS TO BE DE-CLAWED!

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