When Chase saw him, the corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly and he rose from his seat. Quickly and surreptitiously Wooyoung looked around, making sure that the boy was there by his own as they had agreed; without a single guard nearby.

"Chase." He said by way of greeting, shaking his hand and sitting in the chair across from him.

"Wooyoung." He reciprocated, sitting back down and looking out the window. "Have you thought about what I told you?"

Jung was silent and looked at his profile. The day before, when he pulled him away from the group, Chase told him about a big cash opportunity; inviting him to work for him as a high-ranking dealer.

"Why me?" he asked back. Wooyoung had never doubted his abilities and, although this time it was not the exception, he knew that an offer of such magnitude for the simple love of art would never happen.

"Because you have what it takes." Chase glanced at him, taking in his pupils. "You go straight to the point, you are cold and difficult to intimidate. You know what you went to and what you're going to. K doesn't trust incompetent idiots."

Hearing that, Wooyoung crossed his arms and licked his lips. Despite his qualities, there was still something between the lines that just did not make sense to him.

"Why would you want someone else?" he asked seriously. "Why share the profits?"

Chase smiled and clicked his, acknowledging to himself the sharpness of Wooyoung's thoughts.

"Well, you see...there's a good opportunity before my eyes, it's close and I can feel it," he said, taking a small spoon and slowly wobbling it. "Even if I have to share the profit, it's better to split than lose, don't you think?"

"Why don't you do it all yourself?"


"Are you afraid of getting stressed?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow gracefully.

Chase smiled the same way and shook his head.

"Even simpler than that, Wooyoung," he said as he clasped his hands together and rested his chin on them, making eye contact. "It's a great deal and I could combine both jobs... if I could just leave the country."

Then Jung's eyes focused intently on him. It was at that moment that Chase knew an opportunity had just opened up.

The conversation between them lasted almost two hours, until they reached a consensus. When it was over, Wooyoung got into his car and drove back to his place, making a stop beforehand.

When he entered the house, he found Y/N in the living room, sitting in front of her laptop. However, as soon as she noticed his presence, she smiled and put the device aside to concentrate on him.

"All good?" she asked tilting her head.

Wooyoung gave a half smile and walked over, taking the laptop and pushing it further away to take a seat next to her.

"All right," he murmured, cupping her chin and leaning down to kiss her lips. "What about you?"

Then, Y/N's smile changed a bit; enough to be perceived by Wooyoung.

"Yes, everything's in order..." she said and lowered her eyes.


The girl saw the time on her cell phone and sighed.

"I have to go back to my apartment today, Jung." She whispered before turning her gaze back to the boy. Wooyoung frowned, confused, and fixed his pupils on her. "A friend is going to stay. Just for today, of course."

Hearing those words, the boy licked his lips and swallowed heavily. Y/N immediately noticed how the fact of knowing that she had to spend the night with another boy in her own apartment had affected him in a certain way.

"Will you go now?" He asked without hindrance, because, after all, it would only raise suspicions if Y/N suddenly canceled such a plan. With a friend.

The girl nodded slightly and caressed the boy's face, kissing his lips slowly and getting up from the chair. However, immediately —almost reflexively— Wooyoung's hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

The boy got up from his place and looked at the girl, who was staring at him with some surprise.

"Don't let anyone else touch you."

A chill ran through Y/N's body, and then a smile appeared on her face. Wooyoung's expression clearly showed how important that was to him. Then she let out a small giggle.

"Jung..." she spoke to him calmly, seeing his eyes. "Don't worry," she said. "It's just Sam."

Wooyoung narrowed his eyes, remembering the image of the boy that used to spend time with Y/N, knowing immediately that she would be fine.
But jealousy is not that easy to persuade.

"Fine," he relented.

Y/N blinked a few times, surprised at how easily he had agreed, and smiled. However, at that moment she felt a quick slip in her hand. And when she looked down, she noticed that she now had a ring on her finger.

Y/N looked at her right hand and stared at it for a few seconds.


"You're mine."

Wooyoung took her hand and intertwined it with his, letting her notice a ring on his right hand as well. Y/N looked up to his eyes and swallowed hard.

"You don't have to say who it's from," he said then, remembering that—indeed— by contract, she could not talk about them. "Take it as a message to the rest. A warning."

Y/N fell silent, feeling her cheeks heat up, and bit her lip in agreement.

"Well..." she smiled and looked away, seeing the time on her cell phone "...it's okay, Jung, now I should-"

However, at that moment, Wooyoung pushed her body against the wall and held her wrists tightly. He quickly lowered himself to her neck and placed his lips on her skin, sucking hard.

Then, before Y/N could even react to the pressure on her body, Wooyoung had separated from her. The boy looked at her with a smile, seeing the mark on her neck, impossible to overlook, and released her wrists.

"See you tomorrow."

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now