Part 65

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They were married.

Never did they think they would ever get the opportunity to finally be able to tell people that were married. It had been perfect.

Derek stood back and watched as Meredith danced around with Phoebe, her hair falling freely over her shoulders as she laughed. She looked so happy. Happier then he had seen her in months.

"Daddy!" Phoebe shouting him caught his attention as he looked up towards them. "Come and dance!"

Downing the rest of his drink, he placed his glass down before walking over to them. He started to shake his hips across the floor causing Meredith and Phoebe to laugh.

"Your daddy is silly." Meredith whispered in the girls ear before she turned to spin across the floor.

"Mrs Shepherd." Derek said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to hers.

"Mr Shepherd." Meredith couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her ring glistened in the light.

"Where's Ella?" Derek asked as he quickly glanced up to find Phoebe dancing with Amelia.

"She is over there." Meredith pointed in the direction of his mother who was gently pushing the pram. "Sleeping."

"Good." Derek smiled before turning back to face Meredith. "Can you believe that we finally got here? I mean the day you left I thought I had lost you forever, I thought that was it..."

"But you know what they say." Meredith stroked her fingers across his face. "Right person, wrong time but luckily we found our way back to one another and now, now it's the perfect time."

"Perfect." Derek whispered before he dipped his head down so his lips could meet Meredith's once again. "Come on, let's go and get a drink."

Derek linked his hand with hers as he dragged her towards the small bar, giving thanks to the small amount of family and friends that were able to come. He grabbed two champagne flutes and gave one to Meredith as she took a sip before moving to rest her left hand on his chest.

"The rings are just perfect." They had both gone for a simple band, not wanting anything too out there but decided to get them engraved instead.


It was engraved on both of their rings, a small reminder of their story and where it had all began and a reminder of their little boy who unfortunately didn't get to experience life with them.

"They are." Derek moved his own left hand to rest on top of hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you Mrs Meredith Shepherd."

"And I love you too Mr Derek Shepherd." Meredith smiled softly before moving to stand on her tip toes as she moved her face towards his and pressed her lips to his multiple times.

Turning round they found Phoebe now dancing with Amelia and a few of their friends, clearly loving the attention and they couldn't help but smile. Taking Derek's hand in hers, she dragged him back over to the dance floor where they got lost in the music and once again.


"My feet are killing me." Meredith sighed as she dropped her shoes on the floor before collapsing down one the bed.

"I told you that heels weren't a good idea." Derek laughed as he pulled his tie off and loosened the top few buttons on his shirt before moving to crouch down in front of Meredith.

Reaching out he grabbed one of Meredith's feet and started massaging them, listened as she sighed happily.

"Remind me to thank your mom." Meredith pushed herself up on to her elbows so she could look at Derek. "I've forgotten what it was like for it to be quiet..."

"Yeah..." he didn't want to admit it but he was kind of missing having the girls around but he knew they needed this time alone.

"But I miss the girls." Meredith admitted which caused Derek to laugh.

"Me too." Derek dropped her foot before moving to lie down next to her. "Hey." He reached out and brushed the hair behind her ear.

"Hey." She whispered as she smiled at him, before moving to press her lips to hers softly.

"I want more." He watched as Meredith frowned, a 1000 questions in her eyes. "I want more of this, of us, I want another baby."

"What?" Meredith asked with wide eyes. "Like now?"

"No." Derek shook his head. "I mean when Ella is a bit older. "But I know it's your body, so if you decide then two is enough then I'll be happy enough..." he was silence by Meredith pressing her lips to his once again.

"I mean one more baby wouldn't hurt." She smiled at him and watched as a smile formed on his own face.

"Really?" He asked and was answered with Meredith simply nodding her head. 

She squealed when Derek suddenly launched himself on top of Meredith and started attacking her with kisses before stopping to just stare down at her.

"I love you." He brushed her hair out of her face.

"You've said that a lot today." Meredith giggled slightly before moving to wrap her arms around his neck and let her fingers go to his hair. "But I love you too."

Their night was spent with the two of them getting to know each other's body even more, as they allowed theirselves to enjoy the time where they could just be Meredith and Derek instead of mom and dad for once.

This was their chance, their second chance to finally have a life together and they weren't going to waste another minute. But first Meredith had to finally put her past to bed and that started with her going and seeing Scott...

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