Part 48

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Derek Shepherd wasn't even sure how he was functioning anymore. He was a shell of his former self. Meredith and Phoebe still weren't home and honestly, he didn't want to be there anymore. He believed that place was their forever home but it really true what they say. Home is where is heart is and his home was currently in New York.

He hadn't heard of Meredith in a few days and he knew she was likely to have had another scan whilst she was out there and he hated that he wasn't where for it. To see how much his little girl had grown and how beautiful Meredith would look with her ever growing stomach.

"Dr Shepherd." An intern approached him as he stood at the nurses station.

"Yes Dr Edwards." He sighed as he turned to face her, he was really hoping he could get out of here and to the bar as soon as possible.

"There is a consult for you down in the pit." She said with a shaking voice. All the interns had been scared of Derek, especially in the last 4 weeks that Meredith had been gone as he had been prone to snap at any point.

"Can you ask Dr Nelson to do it? I'm about to head home." He said shutting his chart and sliding it back into its place before turning to walk away.

"But they asked for you." Dr Edwards spoke up watching as Derek stopped his tracks, his shoulders dropping slightly. "They said they didn't want to see anyone else, only you."

"Fine." Derek twirled on his feet and headed in the direction of the pit, moving straight last Dr Edwards without saying another word.

He walked down to the pit and frowned at how quiet it was, he was completely and utterly confused as to why he was needed so desperately.

"Hey." He walked over to the nurses station and approached the nurse that was sitting there. "Apparently I was needed for a consult?" Derek asked, almost questioning the fact.

"Hmm." She looked down before looking back up to him. "Behind curtain 4."

"Thanks." Derek half smiled at her before walking towards his next patient.

"Hello, I'm Dr Shep..." he looked up as he opened the curtains as he came face to face with green eyes he had been longing to see. "Meredith..." he whispered, almost like he wasn't sure that she was really there, like he would wake up and it would all have been a dream.

"Hi Derek." She smiled softly at him as her hands rested on her bump.

His eyes immediately went down to her bump which was much bigger than it had been the last time he had seen her. Her top was stretched to the limit as it hugged her bump. Her perfectly bump where their baby girl was. He shook his head when he remembered he was asked here for a consult and he went to panic mode.

"Are you ok?" He asked taking out his light and shining it in her eyes. "They said you needed a consult. Did you hit your head? Are you hurt?" He frowned when he saw her laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." She said shaking her head. "I went to your moms to drop Phoebe off before coming here and she said you've hardly left the hospital since we've been gone and I didn't know how else to get your attention."

"Why didn't you bring Phoebe here? I've missed her and I'm dying to see her Meredith." Derek asked as he pulled the stool over and took a seat.

"She's dying to see you too, she kept talking about how she was going to give you the biggest hug and kiss." She laughed slightly before carrying on. "And I didn't know how this was going to go and I didn't want her to hear us shouting, I don't want that for her. I don't want her to have the same childhood I did." Meredith said dropping her eyes and hint of guilt laced in her voice.

"We are nothing like your parents Mer. You certainly aren't like your mother, not only you an amazing surgeon, you're an amazing mother. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of my children." He reached out and took her hands in his. "We just went through a rough patch, but we will get through this and I'm just glad you're home now, please tell me you're staying?" He asked, almost scared to know her answer.

"Yes, we aren't going anywhere. Our girls need their daddy. And I need you, I can't loose you again." She said taking his hand and placing it on her bump.

"Good, good." Derek said as he let his head fall down onto the bed, taking a deep breath in before looking back up, tears shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Meredith whispered as she ran her finger through his soft hair. Their little girl kicked away, but started calming down at the sound of Derek's voice. "She's missed you."

"Well I've missed her too. Look at how big you've got." He said standing up and placing both his hands on her bump and lowering her head down. "Hey princess, daddy has missed you so much. I'm so happy to see how big you've got and I can't wait to meet you but you stay in there for a bit longer until you're big and strong. I love you." He kissed her bump and then stood back up to face Meredith. "I've also missed you so much Mer." He said running his hand over her cheek.

"She's really grown and my stomach is really itchy from the stretching, I was never this big with Phoebe or Greyson at this stage and I've missed you too." She replied leaning into his touch, finding great comfort in it.

"Let's go and get our daughter." He said helping her off the bed and taking her hand in his as they walked out of the hospital. Together.

It would take some hard work for them to get back to where they were before but it was worth it. Every fight was worth it because their love was so strong for one another that nothing and no one would get in between.

holy shit this story has hit 10k reads and I can't believe, thank you so much!! appreciate you all so so much!!

Anyways, hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and are still enjoying this story <3

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