Part 51

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Meredith was more than ready for this baby to come, the nursery was ready, her clothes were ready and she was ready. She was exhausted with being pregnant now.

"Mommy, when does the baby come?" Phoebe asked as she followed closely behind Meredith.

"Soon, really soon." Meredith smiled down at her daughter before she skipped off in front of her. "I hope." She whispered as she ran her hands over her belly, wincing as the baby delivered a swift kick to the ribs.

"Right Mer, I'm on a short shift today, are you going to be alright? Also, mom said she will take Phoebe for you." Derek said as he poured his coffee into his flask and picked his bag up off the side.

"Ah, so you're actually leaving me alone today, I mean how generous of you." Meredith rolled her eyes as she pressed her hand into her back and waddled over to the fridge.

"Ok." Derek said shaking his head as he walked over and pressed his lips to the top of your head. "I'll see you later. Come on P."

"No, I want to stay with mommy." Phoebe ran and wrapped her arms around Meredith's legs and squeezed them tight.

"Phoebe..." Derek sighed.

"Derek, she's fine. I can look after our daughter. Just go before you're late." Meredith reached down and rubbed Phoebes shoulders, keeping her back towards Derek.

"Fine. If you have any problems or any contractions then phone me or page me. Just...relax." Derek knew it was pointless trying to argue with her at this point as her hormones were all over the place.

"Bye." Meredith mumbled as she started to eat the grapes out of the fridge.

"Mommy, mommy." Phoebe repeated over and over, reaching up and pulling at her arm.

"Yes P." Meredith turned and smiled at her.

"Can we go to the park?" Phoebe asked with wide eyes.

Meredith looked up at the window and saw that the rain was beating against the window and there was no signs of it letting up anytime soon.

"We can't, look it's raining." Meredith pointed at the window watching as Phoebe turned to face it, her shoulders slumping. "I'm sorry, but we can sit inside, watch movies and eat lots of food, how about that?"

"Yes, can I have ice cream?" Phoebe swayed her arms forwards and backwards.

"Of course." Meredith laughed softly. "Now go and choose a film." She smoothed her hand over her head before watching as Phoebe ran into the living room.

Meredith smiled to herself and thought of the times where there would be two of them running around, demanding ice cream and giggling together. She never had that growing up and was beyond grateful that she was able to give Phoebe a sibling to grow up with and share life with.

"Oh." Meredith gasped as she gripped onto the side, a pain washing through her body. "Hmm." She straightened up again as she ran her hands over her body.

Her phone started to ring as she moved to grab it.

"Derek, you've been gone..." she looked towards the clock. "Not even half an hour, what could you possibly want?"

"Mer, I was just phoning you to say that don't go outside today, the weather is awful and is getting worse. They are expecting us to get quite a few traumas coming through the doors cause of how dangerous the roads are." Derek rambled quickly down the phone as he rushed through the hospital.

"We wasn't going to go anywhere anyway...Hmm." Meredith groaned as another pain washed over her body, starting in her stomach before spreading round to her back.

"Are you ok?" Derek asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, just like 21 months pregnant." Meredith said as she moved towards the freezer. "Look, we aren't going anywhere so go. Go save some lives. We will see you when you get home, whenever that might be. I love you."

"I love you too."

Meredith could hear a flurry of voices on the other side of the phone before Derek finally hung up, it was obvious that he was in for a long day.

The ice cream was placed on the side, needing to melt a bit before Meredith was able to scoop into their bowls. But she was distracted by yet another pain spreading throughout her body.

"Hey Phoebe." Meredith said as she plastered a fake smile on her face and waddled into the living room. "Mommy is just going to go upstairs and change, you stay here and watch your film."

"Ok mommy." Phoebe smiled before turning back to the tv screen and continued watching Nemo.

Meredith took her time as she made her way upstairs, her mind drifted to all the possibilities of what these pains could mean but tried to keep herself distracted.

"Shit." Meredith gasped as she felt a gush of water fall in between her legs and hit the floor, Meredith's hand immediately going to grab her bump as she did her best to control her breathing.

All night she had been suffering with extreme back and stomach ache which was now proving to be contractions.

"Ok, ok." Meredith whispered to herself as she slowly straightened her body up and continued upstairs.

She knew it wouldn't be long until she would be holding their baby girl in her arms. So for now, she was going to continue upstairs and change, timing her contractions in the hopes that Derek would be home sooner rather than later.

This baby was coming now and there was no stopping it but she was alone. She was alone and she couldn't do this, she needed Derek.

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