Part 18

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Scott woke up, his head was pounding and his whole body ached. He was completely disoriented as he looked round the unusual room. He went to reach up to rub his eyes but was stopped as his hand was handcuffed to the bed.

"What the..." he frowned as he saw the handcuff chaining him to the bed.

"Don't even bother." Meredith said as she stood in the corner with her arms crossed over her chest.


"No, you don't get to speak." Meredith said as she stepped closer to his bed. "You are pure scum." Meredith said loudly causing him to wince.

"Please don't shout, my head." Scott frowned as he dropped his head back.

"Fuck your head, you're lucky it's me in here and not Derek." Meredith exclaimed as she stepped over him. "What possessed you to get behind the wheel of your car, drunk with our 4 year old daughter in the back!" Meredith screamed.

"What?" Scott frowned, clearly unaware of what had took place.

"Oh, you don't even remember. Well, let me tel you, you obviously got black out drunk and decided to drive. Endanger your own life, I don't care but the fact, you could have killed her Scott! Phoebe could died!" Meredith said as Scott lay there with a blank expression on his face.

"I hope you enjoy prison." Meredith said as she stood over him. "You will never see Phoebe again,  so you have to live with that. She will grow up to know what a scum bag you turned out to be. You was the best dad and I don't know what happened. But that's it. You're done. Never again will you be alone with Phoebe." Meredith said as she turned to leave the room before turning to get one last dig in before walking out of his life for good.

"Oh and Derek is the best dad I could ask for our daughter." Meredith said watching as the anger stormed over Scott's face before she turned and left the room.

"You bitch!" Scott screamed.

At hearing this, Derek went to storm into the room but was quickly stopped him by placing her hands on his chest.

"Don't. He isn't worth it." Meredith said smiling up at him.

Derek simply leaned down and pressed his lips to Meredith's before pulling her into his arms and squeezed her tight.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head.

"How's p?" Meredith said as she leaned back so their eyes met.

"Well, when I left her, she was talking Dr Karev's head off." He said as they both laughed. "She's eating up all this attention."

"Just like you then." She winked up at him. "Come on, let's go and see our daughter." Meredith said watching as Derek's eyes went wide, tears shining in his eyes.

"Let's go and see our daughter." He said smiling at her before taking her hand and walking up to Phoebe's room.

"Mommy I won!" Phoebe exclaimed from her bed, as her and Alex just finished another game of connect 4.

"Well done P." Meredith said letting go of Derek's hand and heading over to Phoebe's bed.

"Going to say, I'm going to miss having you here, who am I going to play with now?" Alex sighed dramatically.

"Does that mean she can go home?" Derek asked hopefully as he moved to stand next to Meredith, his hand going to rest on her shoulder.

"It does indeed. This little one." Alex said as he reached out to ruffle Phoebe's hair. "Can go home, see you later kid." He said, giving her a high five before leaving them to it.

"Hear that P, we are going home." Meredith said as she squeezed her daughter tight.

"I'll start packing the bags." Derek said as he started placing their things that were dotted around the room into duffle bags.

It had been the longest 48 hours of their life, with Phoebe taking a turn for the worst in the first night here but luckily made a full turn and was perfectly healthy and happy.

"Mommy, can we get a puppy." Phoebe asked as she held scruff tight as Meredith adjusted her coat.

Looking up at Derek, she gave him a look knowing this was a conversation they would need to have later on.

"Maybe, mommy and Derek need to talk about it first, ok." Meredith said, grateful that Phoebe seemed happy enough with that answer, for now at least.

"Right, come on girls. Home time." Derek said as he grabbed their bags as Meredith took hold of Phoebe's hand and they left the hospital.

Later that night, Meredith sat on the sofa, curled up, watching as Derek moved round the living room on his hands and knees. Phoebe on his back and laughing loudly.

"Please be careful." Meredith grimaced as she watched Derek sped up and Phoebe nearly falling off.

"Alright that's enough now P." Derek said as he helped Phoebe down and he moved to rest his head on Meredith's lap. Her fingers automatically went to run through his hair.

"Mommy." Phoebe said as she climbed up and began to whisper in her ear. Leaving Derek to watch them with a smile on his face.

He absolutely loved watching the bond between the mother and daughter.

"Ask him." Meredith said as she nodded her head towards Derek, a wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling.

Phoebe slowly made her way down and stood in front of Derek, all of sudden a shy expression on her face.


"Phoebe." Derek said as he lifted his head and smiled comfortingly to her.

"Hm..." she big her lip and frowned. "Can I call, can I call you daddy Derek?" She asked, her eyes barely meeting his, obviously remembering the incident last time.

Derek couldn't believe it. He felt like his heart was about to burst with pride and pure love for this little girl.

"I would love nothing more." Derek said as the little girl flung herself into his arms and wrapped her arms tight around his neck.

Looking up at Meredith, Derek mouthed a simple thank you, with tears shining in his eyes. Meredith simply leaned down and kissed him quick.

"No, thank you." She whispered back to him before sliding down gracefully to the floor, joining Derek and Phoebe in their embrace.

There were no words to express how grateful Meredith was that Derek treated Phoebe like his own. She always knew that he would be an amazing father and she forever hated that he didn't get that opportunity with Greyson. But she knew that their son would be smiling down on them.

This was in it, their future as a family was just beginning.

Just a bit of a filler chapter for now, next update will be up later today!!

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