Part 1

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It was just like any other day. Derek would roll out of bed, jump in the shower before heading downstairs for his usual bowl of muesli and coffee before heading upstairs to brush his teeth. Finally, he would grab his bag and jacket before kissing his fiancé and heading out to work.

He wasn't sure when his life had become so repetitive but now it was just routine and he didn't know how to get out of it. Or if he even wanted to get out of it, he was comfortable in life but he wasn't happy.

Pulling up to the hospital and parked in his normal spot before slipping out the car and heading to the coffee cart and grabbing a black coffee. He handed his money over before inhaling the coffee and sighing with relief as he took his first sip.

"Morning Shep, look like you need that coffee this morning, did Melissa keep you up all night?" Mark said sarcastically as he slapped Derek on his back and fell into step with him.

"Morning to you too Mark." Derek said rolling his eyes as he continued to drink his coffee.

"Oh come on don't be a prude." Mark said before taking a sip of his own coffee. "Ah, did you hear the new surgeon is starting today? Think she's in general, I hope she's hot."

"What would Lexie say if she heard you speaking like that?" Derek asked watching as Mark's eyes went wide.

"I'm just going to look, so calm down but don't tell her, she will have me sleeping on the couch. Plus with all hormones I don't won't to get on the wrong side of her, I mean who knew pregnancy could make a woman so mean." Mark said frowning as Derek laughed.

"Should have kept it your pants then." Derek said as he stepped out of the elevator. "I'll see you in the meeting, save me a seat." He shouted before heading to his office.

It would be a breath of fresh air having a new surgeon in the hospital, having someone new to talk to, who didn't already know everything about him. He placed his bag down and moved to changed into his scrubs, slipping on his lab coat as he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in." Derek shouted as he adjusted his collar and placing his stethoscope in his pocket as the person behind the door walked in.

"Morning Shep." Chief Webber said as he stepped into his office. "I need a favour."

"If it means I have to stay late tonight then I can't, Melissa's parents are in town and we are going for a meal and I can't cancel again." Derek said as Richard laughed.

"I understand when it comes to in laws. So no you don't have to stay late but I'm sure you're aware the new surgeon is starting today and I need you to give her a tour of the hospital before the meeting. The board have called a last minute quick meeting and I can't not be there." Richard said pleading with Derek.

"Oh yeah sure, is she here now?" He asked finishing off his coffee before throwing the empty cup in the bin.

"She should be here shortly." He said as he looked at his watch. "I'm meeting her at my office if you want to come with me now."

"Yeah, let me just grab my pager and my phone and I will come with you." Derek said as he reached for his things and placed them in his pocket before following Richard to his office.

They fell into step easily with one another as they walked through the hospital. As they approached Richards office, Derek saw a petite blonde woman standing outside.

"Ah she's early." Richard said as he walked up and introduced himself.

Derek frowned as he looked at the woman, there something so familiar and comforting about her but he couldn't place his finger on it. That was until she turned around.

"This is..." Richard began as the young blonde cut him off.

"Well I'll be damned, Derek. Derek Shepherd is that you?" She smiled widely at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh my." It clicked in Derek's brain who it was. "Meredith, what. Come here." He said as he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asked stepping back but keeping his hand on her arm.

"Wanted to come home, didn't think you'd still be here though, what happened to you getting out of Seattle?" She asked as she playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Long story, I'll explain one day." He squeezed her arm, his eyes all of a sudden looking sad.

"So it looks like I don't need to introduce you." Richard said as he looked on as the pair became reacquainted with one another. "Can I ask, how do you know each other?" Richard asked, intrigued to hear the story.

"Oh." It was Meredith that spoke up. "We had a few classes together in college and med school, could say we was like best friends at one point." She said sharing a look with Derek, knowing it was much more than just best friends

"True, we met at a party and we just hit it off from there." Derek said giving his input.

"Yeah, then we went our separate ways, I had a year off to do some travelling and we just lost contact." Meredith said giving Derek a half smile.

"Right." Richard said, watching as the two kept stealing glances at one another. He recognised that look anywhere. "So, I've got to head and have a quick meeting with the board so Derek here will give you the tour before heading to the meeting, in which I will meet you there. It's a pleasure to have you working here with us Meredith." Richard said as he reached out and shook Meredith's hand.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity." Meredith smiled at him before they waved their goodbyes, leaving Meredith and Derek alone.

"Right come on then Mr Tour Guide, let's go." Meredith said as she bumped her hip with Derek causing him to roll his eyes, shaking his head and smiling at her.

"Let's go, we can grab a coffee on the way. You wait until Mark finds out you're here." Derek said as they began their tour round the hospital.

"Oh so you and Mark are stilled joined at the hip then?" Meredith asked winking at him, laughing slightly.

"Don't even start, them rumours scared me." He said shivering as the memories from med school flooded his memory. "Anyways, he is with Lexie now and they've got a baby on the way." He said watching as Meredith stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, Lexie? She told me she was seeing someone called Mark but I never thought it would be the Mark Sloan. I can't believe she got him to settle down." Meredith said looking gobsmacked.

"You know Lexie?" Derek asked confused.

"Yeah, she's my sister, well half sister." Meredith said watching as Derek shook his head, confused.

"You have a sister?"

"Oh yeah, we have so much to catch up on." Meredith said squeezing his arm as they continued to walk on.

"We will go for drinks soon but first of all let's get this tour over and done with." Derek said as he smiled at Meredith.

"Let's go." She allowed him to take lead as she followed close behind him.

They had a past that only they knew the depths of, a past that affected them both in the long run. But now they were finally back together so the question was, how would their relationship develop this time?

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