Part 39

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Derek walked through the door after a long day and hung his coat up as he threw his brief case down by the door.

"Hey, are you ok?" Meredith said walking out of the kitchen with a hug in her hand. She was wearing one of his jumpers that was starting to cling to her bump. "You look exhausted." She said sipping from her cup.

"Yeah, long day." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Where's Phoebe?" He asked, noticing how quiet it was.

"Oh, she's asleep, she had a busy day at daycare. I finished my surgery and then picked her up, she's almost fell asleep eating her dinner, oh." Meredith gasped as she rubbed at her stomach.

"Big kick?" Derek said as he skied in front of her and placed his hands on his bump

"Really big. They're getting strong in there." Meredith said rubbing her hand over her bump softly.

"Yeah." Derek sighed.

"Ok, what's going on? You're being all quiet and weird." Meredith said placing her cup down and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I've got to New York for work." Derek said dropping his hands from his bump and looked up to met her eyes.

"Ok?" She asked in a questioning tone. "What's so bad with that?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "It's just not the greatest time to be leaving you, I mean you're pregnant and with Scott being back, it just seems wrong to be leaving you."

"Oh." Meredith sighed in realisation. "We will be fine, you should go. We have your mom and Amelia here, we aren't alone." She said stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his waist, giving them a squeeze.

"I don't know." He said reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ears. "Also, if I go, I could miss the next scan, to find out what we are having."

"Oh, how long do you need to go there for?" Meredith asked.

"A few weeks, maybe longer if there are any complications from the surgery." Derek said wrapping his arms around her back, holding her close.

"Ok, we can do it." Meredith said. "I mean, maybe we can talk to the doctor about not revealing the gender at the scan, then we can schedule another one for the minute you are back. You go and be the amazing doctor we know you are."

"Are you sure?" He looked at her, looking for any signs of doubt and watched as she nodded her head. "You continue to amaze me everyday Meredith Grey." Derek said smiling at her as he leaned down to press his lips to hers.

"Mmm." Meredith moaned into Derek's mouth as their tongues continued to battle. They finally pulled apart when they needed to catch their breath back, resting their foreheads against one another's.

"Let's go to bed." Meredith said kissing him quick before taking his hand and pulling up him towards the stairs and up to their room where they got lost in one another.

"Have you got your passport?" Meredith asked as she watched Derek carry his bags to the front door.

"Yes, everything is ready." He said placing his last bag down before turning to face her. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"Yes, Amelia is coming to stay with us for a few days and then your mom has agreed to watch her so she won't be in daycare. We will be perfectly safe. Now go. Go and save a life." Meredith said as she stepped in front of him and straightened out his tie.

"I love you, god I'm going to miss you." He said leaning down to kiss her before crouching down so he was eye level with her bump. "And daddy is going to miss you so much, you be good for mommy and we will find out what you are as soon as I'm home. Keep growing big and strong little one." He said smiling as he felt a swift kick delivered to where his hand was resting before standing up to face Meredith again.

"Phoebe! Come and say goodbye to daddy!" Meredith shouted as they heard the little footsteps of their daughter run from the living room and slamming into Derek's legs.

"Daddy, don't go." She said looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Oh P." He said crouching down so they were eye level. "Daddy will be home really soon, but whilst I'm gone I need you to be a big girl and look after mommy and baby, ok. I will bring you something back." He said tucking her dirty blonde hair behind her ear and wiping the tears off of her cheek.

"Ok, I'll be a big girl." She smiled at him before handing over his teddy towards him. "Take bear, he keep you safe."

"Thank you." He said taking the bear and holding onto it tight before pulling her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Don't grow too much whilst I'm gone." He said kissing her head before they pulled back.

"Noses." Phoebe giggled as she leaned in and rubbed their noses together.

Meredith stood back and watched, her hand resting on Phoebes shoulder as she watched them interact.

"You need to go Derek before you kiss your flight." Meredith said as she checked her watch.

"I'm going." He said hugging Phoebe once more before standing up.  

Derek moved towards the door, grabbing his bag as he slipped phoebes bear into his bag before opening the door and stepping outside.

"Phone me the minute you land." Meredith said as her and Phoebe stood at the door, ready to wave their goodbyes.

"I will." He said turning to smile at them. "Also, you make sure you phone for anything, the second you need me I will be on the first plane back. I mean it."

"I will, I promise." She smiled at him, her hand going to her back.

"Alright, I'm going. Definitely going." He said as he headed down to his car and threw his bags in the boot before shutting it and jumping into the drivers seat. He took one last look at Meredith and Phoebe before waving and heading off for the airport.

The last time one of them had been heading to the airport it had been the worst time of their lives. It's when they went their separate ways but this time she knew Derek would be coming back to them cause they were a family now.

But what they didn't know was that someone was watching them off in the distance and leaving Meredith vulnerable and alone....

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