Part 17

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Meredith was living on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Ever since that day with Phoebe calling Derek dad, she hadn't heard from Scott. It was his mom who came to collect Phoebe and drop her back home.

But right now, she had to concentrate on her job.

"Grey." Bailey said, bringing Meredith out of her daydream.

"Sorry Bailey." Meredith said as she forced a smile towards her.

"Are you ok? You seem distracted." Bailey asked, genuinely concerned.

"Oh yeah...I mean yeah, I'm fine." She said, trying her best to convince her. 

"Hmm." Bailey said, not convinced in the slightest.

"Bailey, we've got a drunk driver coming in, crashed his car into a tree, seems he has internal bleeding. Robbins is attending to the child that was in the backseat." A intern said as they jogged up to them before disappearing.

"Come on Grey, seems we are going to have a busy day." Bailey said as they headed down to the pit, it was just what she needed. Lots of surgeries to get a distraction.

Bailey went to deal with the drunk driver, meanwhile, Meredith headed off to do stitches.

"What have we got?" Bailey asked as she gowned and gloved up.

"Scott Johnson, 31. Got behind the wheel of his car, drunk and crashed. Seems that he was some internal bleeding, could be his spleen." Owen said as he started to cut off his shirt.

"Did you say Scott Johnson?" Bailey asked as she frowned walking up to get a good look at her patient. "Oh my god." She said when she realised it was exactly who she thought it was, meaning the child Robbins was attending to was no other than Meredith's daughter.

"Grey!" Bailey shouted as she stuck her head outside the door, finding Meredith stood at the nurses station as she looked at her. "I need you to go and check all of my post ops, I'm going to be down here a while." Bailey said as Meredith nodded her head and headed off.

Once Meredith was gone, she headed off to find Robbins.

"Robbins, how is she?" Bailey asked as she stepped into the room.

"Oh she's good. A little bit shock up, had a slight gash on her head which we've stitched up, she will be a big bruised for a while but apart from that, she's good. Finally sleeping." Robbins said as she smiled at her.

"Thank god." Bailey whispered and walked over, smiling as Phoebe slept, her usual dirty blood hair was now a slight pink colour from the blood. "Page Dr Shepherd for me."

Robbins frowned as she looked up from her chart.

"Bailey I can assure you she's doesn't need the head of neuro to come down to perform an exam, she's fine." Robbins said, slightly offended that Bailey was undermining her.

"I trust you." Bailey said as she ran her hands over Phoebe's hair. "But this is Dr Greg's daughter, so we need to update Derek so he can tell Meredith cause god knows that woman is going to panic and she needs him to calm down." Bailey said as Robbins nodded her head before paging for Derek.

Derek frowned as his pager went off before heading down to the pit. He wasn't aware of any major head injuries that were coming in so was confused to what was happening.

"I was paged." Derek said as he stepped up to the nurses station.

"Derek." He heard from behind, turning to find Bailey giving him a look. He knew that look. "I need you to remain calm for me, but Phoebe's been admitted. Scott drove his car drunk, hit a tree. She's alright but Robbins wants to be a close eye on her tonight before discharging her." Bailey said watching as Derek ran into the room.

"Oh P." Derek said as he looked down at her, looking even smaller in the bed. A feeling of sickness washed over him before he was fuelled with rage. "Where is he?" He demanded to know.

"He is in surgery." Bailey responded, knowing exactly who Derek was taking about.

"I'm going to kill him." Derek spat, pure venom and hatred for Scott in his voice.

"I can assure you that won't help." Bailey said stepping up. "Meredith is going to need you, we've just paged her down here, she has no idea. So you need to calm down and be there for her. And for Phoebe." Bailey said as Derek nodded his head, pushing his anger down.

"Bailey." Meredith's voice rang throughout the pit, causing them to step outside. "Oh, Derek hi." She smiled at him before it quickly dropped when she saw the look on their faces. "What's happened?" 


"No, don't do that." Meredith said interrupting Derek and pointing at him. "Just tell me, what's going on?" She demanded.

"It's Phoebe."

That's all it took. All Meredith needed to hear as she ran into the room. She gasped as she saw her daughter lying on the bed.

"Oh p." Meredith said as she immediately headed to her daughters side, stroking her hand over her head and kissing her forehead. "Mommy is here." She whispered into her ear. "What happened?" Meredith asked as Derek and Bailey walked back in, no one answered her. "Someone tell me why my daughter is the hospital!" Meredith exclaimed loudly, causing some of the interns to flinch.

"Everyone out." Bailey instructed, leaving Meredith and Derek alone.

"Derek please." Meredith begged him as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Scott crashed his car. He was drunk." Derek said, not side stepping around the situation and getting straight to the point.

"What..." Meredith said before starting to hyperventilate, clutching at her chest as she struggled to breathe.

"Alright, I've got." Derek said as he grabbed a bag and guided her down on to a chair. "Breathe into this." He said as he held the bag over her mouth and grabbed her hand, letting her squeeze his hand tight. "That's it." He said as he breathing started to normalise once again.

"I'm ok." Meredith said a short while later, moving the bag away from her face. "She's ok?"

"She's ok." Derek said as he moved the hair out of her face.

"This is all my fault." Meredith said as her eyes drifted to Phoebe who was starting to stir.

"No meredith, don't do that, this isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, this is all Scott's fault. He is the one that got behind that wheel, drunk, putting Phoebe's life at risk. He will pay for this." Derek said as he squeezed her hands.

"Yeah." Meredith didn't have in to fight right now, she was exhausted. The fear of her daughter being in the hospital, drained her, both physically and mentally.

Meredith leaned into Derek's side and the took great comfort in the silence, just listening to Phoebe breathe. She was alright and that's all that mattered right now.

There was no words to describe how terrifying it was to know that her daughter was in the hospital and she couldn't do anything to help her. As parents they were meant to protect her and now Meredith was about to do that. She was putting her foot down. She would make Scott pay for endangering their daughters life.

Even if it was the last thing she did.

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