The dresses for women are flowing, free, and light. The patterns vary and the colors are not too penetrating that they would make the eyes tired. The men's are casual, yet stylish and gentleman-like. I like this collection.

"I want the advertising for this to be aesthetic. Something that stays in people's minds." Ms. Moulin comments after the assistant is done showing us the clothes. "Also, I want the commercials to be like a movie, so people who watch it at the launch party will be intrigued."

I nod and write down every detail on my notepad and read through it carefully. Only when I relax my face do I realize that I had been drawing my eyebrows together in concentration the whole time, and I almost scold myself for the possible wrinkle I must have given myself.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Mr. Park asks. I can see the discomfort in mostly everyone's eyes. Some are pretending to be thinking still, just like we used to do in school back in the day when the teacher was looking for someone to answer a question.

Noah finally has the courage. "How about a library?"

"Can you elaborate?" Ms. Moulin's assistant asks, and Noah tenses up.

"Um, it was just an idea I got on the fly. I didn't think about details." he visibly gulps. I kind of feel sorry for him when he then gets Ms. Moulin's eyes rolled at him.

The meeting just started half an hour ago and it looks like she's already done with it. After Noah, April presents her idea, but she's simply dismissed, getting told by Ms. Moulin that her idea doesn't even have anything to do with the collection.

The room fills with brainstorming, discussions, and compromises that can't be found. At one point, I even think to myself that the meeting will end without any idea or project coming to fruition.

"Come on, people. You're the creative team." she sighs after a while when no usable idea is brought to the table. "The least you can say is what you think of when you see the clothes."

I look back at the screen as the assistant fast-forwards through all the dresses for women. I think the focus of the collection is on women's clothing, as it has a larger assortment.

One particular dress catches my eye now on second viewing. I haven't paid much attention to it, but now looking closer, the design, colors, and patterns look familiar. It's belted at the waist, a light shade of lavender, and flowing.

"Please tell me if I'm wrong," I begin with a smile on my lips and all eyes turn to me. "But I feel like the collection was inspired by the '80s. This dress here for example." I point to the screen. "Reminds me of the dresses my mom used to wear. When she and my dad met, they went on dates—"

"Yeah, it's inspired by the '80s." she interrupts me.

I think I've started talking too much again without anyone caring. But I can't help it, because I get the best ideas when I'm thinking out loud and talking to myself. No one has ever told me to shut up by interrupting me.

"But I strongly doubt that," she continues. My smile drops. "The dresses were designed by professionals."

I look back at my notes and my eyebrows draw together. But it's not because I'm angry. She didn't insult my parents, did she?

When I look back up, all eyes are on me and I don't know why, but it causes a big lump to form in my throat. I bite down on my bottom lip and I feel like everyone in the room is judging me, even though I know they're not.

Sauvage | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now