Chapter 13: Bonds

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Cole's Pov

"Hey", I say, entering Charlotte's room. I have come to Char's house to prepare for our presentation.

" Hi!", she beams.

Charlotte is sitting on her bed with a Great Gatsby Novel in her left hand, her both legs are placed on fluffy pillows.

I sit next to her on the bed," You have read that novel, isn't it?",

"Yes of course, did you forget this used to be our one of the favorite novels"

"Yeah I remember, it still is", Once Char and I had spent our entire weekend just reading books. We both used to be such book nerds. And honestly, I am still a book nerd, and I will always be a book nerd. Because I love reading books so much, but I don't know if Char loves to still read books, I don't know if she is still a book nerd. And I realize I don't know a lot about this seventeen-year-old Char. I knew everything about ten-year-old Char, even that she was afraid of sleeping in the dark. I don't know numerous things about Char because we didn't hang out much after she returned to Seattle.

" Mine too", she says with a smile.

"Are you still a book nerd?",

" Of course I am, I love my books so much, especially the classics",

"Me too"

"Does Luna like reading books?", she asks.

" Luna and books, of course not, she hates reading books, she says reading books makes her sleepy",

"You both are so opposite of each other, how did you fall for each other?",

" Opposite attracts", I say with a shrug. It is true, opposites did attract in the case of me and Luna. I was first attracted to Luna because of her confidence and, of course, her mean sass. Which is completely the opposite of my personality, but I don't know how Luna fell in love with me. I take a mental note to ask her later on.


Luna's Pov

I ring the bell of Wright House, it's been so long I came here. The last time I came here, I had realized I am in love with Cole. And after that, I had barely talked to Ray, and now he is my partner for the presentation.

One of the servants opens the door, walking past through him, I tell him, "Would you please tell Ray that I have come"?

" Ok Miss Luna", he says and goes upstairs to call Ray.

I take a look at the house, it looks still the same. Same shiny white walls, same shiny green floor. Ray's house is bigger than mine. This house is like a Castle when we were kids, Ray and I used to be dressed up as Prince Charming and Cinderella, and we would play all day. I had always imagined Ray and me as the perfect couple, I had always thought he would be my forever, but I was so wrong.

"How many times I have to hide your affairs", Someone's voice interrupts my thoughts. I go in the direction of the voice, and I see Mr. And Mrs. Wright.

" Don't behave like you're so innocent whom I have been cheating, I know all about you and your Artist friend", Mr. Wright says glaring at Mrs. Wright.

They both are fighting. Ray's parents have always fought with each other so much, but now their fights seem to have gotten worse.

"Shut up, you bastard", Mrs. Wright yells.

" So you reached at the time of the show", Ray says behind me.

"Ray, I just heard the voices, so I...",

He interrupts me," It's okay, you don't need to explain anything. Let's go upstairs",


"So you have read The Great Gatsby", I ask Ray as I sit on the couch in his room.

" No, and when did you start to care about assignments",

"It's our senior year Ray, if I want to go to Yale with Cole, then I have to focus on my studies",

" So in love, Luna Brown became studies",

"You can think whatever you want, but right now, take this novel and read it", I hand him The Great Gatsby.

" Why are you being so mean to me, you were never mean to me", he says with a hurtful look in his eyes.

"Since you cheated on me with Britney," I say with a smirk.

He flinches, "Luna I am sorry about it, why can't we forget everything Lu, and befriends the way we used to be",

" When we were used to being friends? When we were eight years old?" because if I remember correctly, Ray and I started dating when we were twelve.

"Yes! You remember you were my best friend before you became my girlfriend", I didn't expect him to say this. Is it possible to be friends with Ray? What would Cole think about all this?

" I am going home, you finish reading this novel", I tell him with a straight face, without showing any emotion on my face and I walk out from his room.

Author's Note
I hope you all liked today's episode, stay tuned for the next episode, till next Wednesday. And don't forget to vote and comment.
With Lots of Love XX

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