When Jimin's last heat came—weaker than the ones before it—Yoongi was too tired to fuck him again and instead just used his hands to get him off one last time.

Each night, after each burst, Jimin felt more satisfied than ever before. The burn was properly soothed—not all the way, only a knot could fix that—he was cleaned up as best as possible with just a cloth and water, and there was an alpha glued at his side, helping in carrying him down from his highs and into sleep.

His fever went down faster than any mating season and he was up and about sooner than usual. Although he was now in bed more for resting his sore legs and back than fever and aching bones.

He got kisses each morning in his recovery, kisses each night, kisses sometimes out of nowhere, and while he loved them, Yoongi was kissing him a lot. A lot more than they had before. But he was only suspicious the seconds after each kiss before melting away at the fact that Yoongi was kissing him.

The omega wanted to try something and so when Yoongi sat down on the couch, Jimin made his way over and pushed his arms open to straddle his lap.

"What are you doing?" Amused, a playful smirk on the alpha's face. His hands came to rest at Jimin's thighs, his face blanking for a moment before looking down and watching as his hands ran over his thick thighs.

"You okay?" Jimin asked, barely swallowing a little giggle as his arms wrapped around Yoongi's neck.

"Yeah, just didn't know why I didn't touch your thighs more during the season."

Jimin smiled and rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder, face in his neck. The alpha crept his hands between his thighs and calves and pulled Jimin closer to him until he was flush against his chest.

"You gonna tell me what you're doing?"

"No," Jimin chuckled, nuzzling his scent gland. It all felt very intimate, very mate-like, but Jimin didn't think about it much before pressing a kiss to the gland. The alpha stiffened when Jimin kissed it again and then up his neck to his jaw before coming down again and kissing the scent gland once more.

Jimin pulled back when he felt Yoongi try to do the same with an amused face. The alpha frowned and tried leaning forward to kiss him too, but the omega leaned to the side to avoid him, a little giggle coming out at the displeased growl.

"Stop moving," he huffed, trying to kiss Jimin back, but the omega continuing to squirm just out of his reach in his lap.

The alpha finally snapped and pinned him to the couch cushion, finally pressing firm, angry kisses at Jimin's neck, making the omega giggle for a while before locking up at a firm kiss to his scent gland. Another one and a preening noise came out of his chest, his eyes closing. One more and his legs started shifting at Yoongi's sides, restless. The last one wasn't even a kiss, it was a straight up lick that caused Jimin to voice out a breathy moan. Yoongi pulled back, the amused expression on him now and a flustered, red complexion on Jimin.

"You should now better than to play with me," the alpha growled, leaning down to whisper into Jimin's ear. And while Jimin usually didn't get aroused after mating season, the heat was just there under the surface as the alpha whispered things to him a bit too explicit to share and much filthier than what friends should have been saying to each other, his hands coming to rub at his thighs, his waist, his chest.

The omega gasped and grabbed Yoongi's sleeves when the alpha kissed again at his neck before sucking a bruise to show that Jimin was no one's to touch. There was an edge Jimin felt, almost like a wave, where he could feel when his slick would drop and just before he crashed into it, the alpha drew back again. He came down and pressed a much firmer kiss to his lips and swiped his tongue at the crease, but as soon as Jimin opened his mouth to take him in, he was getting off the omega completely.

Jimin was left on the couch like that—on the verge of arousal and slick, a hickey on his neck, and positively shaking because he hadn't expected that.

And so what if he rutted on the alpha's knee when he fell asleep that night?

Unfortunately, the alpha had woken up just before Jimin's high washed over and pulled his knee away. The omega whined and kicked his hips, hoping it would come back so he could finish. Yoongi cocked up a brow and crawled lower until his head wasn't on the pillow.

"Come here, I'll finish you off."

Jimin rode his face a little bit harder as revenge for his teasing. But even if his thighs trembled around Yoongi's head with his climax, the alpha was rolling them over and shoving his head between his legs again to eat him out harder. The second was just a bit more explosive, all his body shaking and throbbing as Yoongi took every spurt of slick Jimin gave him. The alpha came up, his hips now fitting between his legs but not intending to do anything more than kiss Jimin, the omega mewling at the slick on his lips and tongue.

Yoongi's eyes seemed to glow in the faint darkness, the pale planes of his face only lit by the fire at the other side of the room, dark shadows covering the unscarred half of his face. Jimin remembered once again the size of Yoongi's hands as they held Jimin's waist close to him, almost swallowing Jimin's width.

"You need to rest," the alpha whispered, pressing a much softer kiss to Jimin's lips. "If you keep this up, I'll never let you leave this bed."

Jimin flushed down to his neck, wide eyes staring up at the alpha. He usually hated possessiveness and overprotectiveness, but this wasn't either of those. Yes, there was double meaning behind it, but Jimin knew Yoongi meant he wouldn't let him leave until he was rested. Although from what, was the other meaning.

Yoongi got off of Jimin with a grunt and laid back down, hitching the sheets and furs up around Jimin and holding him close again.

"Try to get yourself off again and I'll lose it," the alpha said into Jimin's hair, the omega hiding his burning face into his collar.

Yoongi would give Jimin massages if Jimin wanted them to help relax the strain and soreness in his muscles as a thank you for helping him with his medicine and letting him spend the season with him. The alpha would try to will way certain thoughts when rubbing the muscle of Jimin's legs, back, and backside, hearing Jimin's little pleased sounds at a knot rubbed loose, seeing Jimin's skin in his hands. But he had his moments of weakness when Jimin let out a noise similar to those he made when coming down from climax—a shadow of a moan, a memory of what Yoongi had managed to pull out from the omega each burst. He managed to keep his interest low by thinking about the farms, but the dazed look Jimin would give him made him shudder and come to kiss at his lips. He was truly weak in Jimin's presence.

Yet the omega had surprised him by taking control of Yoongi's "interest" and waved off worried words from the alpha as he moved down so his head was near the space between Yoongi's legs.

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