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After Jimin's blood and they rested and recovered from the season, they went to the infirmary for a pregnancy test. It was mostly Jimin's fear as neither of them could properly distinguish fuzzy memories from possible wet dreams.

Jimin left with complicated feelings in his chest at the negative result. Yoongi noticed quickly and asked when they returned to the cabin.

"Do you want to talk about pups?"

"I think it's time, yeah," he nodded.

"I'll make some tea."

Jimin sat on the new temporary chair at the table—the other two had to go since one was broken and the wood of the other would probably have broken at some point too. Yoongi set the kettle on the oven and brought down the leaves from the cabinet. He turned and leaned against the counter.

"Do you know what you want?" He asked softly.

"I don't know. I didn't think I wanted them again, but I felt sad when we were negative. I'm not necessarily scared of getting pregnant with you because I know how you'll be if it comes to that point."

"So you're more neutral about it?"

"I guess? I won't be upset either way for now, I think. What do you think?"

Yoongi took the kettle off the stove and poured the mugs and brought them to the table. It wobbled a little at the new weight, causing both their faces to pink.

"I think... I think if it happens, I'd want to be your mate. I'd want to experience everything with you. I think if you were given the opportunity, you'd be an incredible parent."

Jimin beamed as he rubbed his thumb over the side of the mug.

"I know you would be."

Yoongi smiled back. "I think I'd want to plan it. If it's a surprise, I won't be upset, but I want to plan it so I can take care of you better."

"I'd like to plan it too, if we decide to. If it happens during mating season, that's fine—that's probably when it'll happen if we decide to do it. But if possible, I'd like to be more aware when it happens."

Yoongi nodded. "Just your out of season heat?"

"If possible, yeah. Our heat and ruts won't align until years after we've mated and we might decide before if we want to try. I don't know if I'll still be able to get pregnant if we wait for them to line up."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, an omega's fertility in heat usually declines after about twenty years—at least they did in the Park-Jeon pack, I'm not sure if it's different here with your medicine. I've been having heats for about seven. If we decide to try and have a pup, we'd have more success if we try sooner. Is there a limit on rut fertility?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure what it is. I know ruts end in your forties, but I'm not sure if or when knotting starts to decline. But, we don't have to plan it until after we mate, okay?"

"When do we plan on doing that?"

"I have more gifts for you. I can give them more often if you'd like?"

"Whatever makes you feel good."

"Okay. Do you maybe want to plan for around the next winter solstice? That way we can cement the bond in mating season?"

"No, I want to be aware for all of it."

"I've heard of stories of mating triggering heat and rut."

"I'd still want to start it when we're both out of heat and rut."

"Do you still want to aim for next year?"

Jimin nodded. "I think that'll be good."

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