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Not full smut, just more details during their season and recovery. A few smut references. This was written before I decided to have them more romantically involved earlier, so just watch out for that.

Each day of the mating season was spent mostly fucking and Jimin never seemed to dry. Whenever Yoongi would pop up or Jimin would get aroused to the point of pain, they'd stop whatever they were doing and helped each other right there. Really, they should have spent most bursts on the bed as it was comfier for Jimin and so easy to just fall asleep afterwards, but Jimin was impatient in his heat bursts and Yoongi really couldn't deny him what he needed.

No matter how much Jimin cried for it, Yoongi respected their agreement of not knotting or finishing inside, sometimes having to eat Jimin out or finger him to get him to climax again as Yoongi himself was finishing to the side. There was once where Yoongi had to physically pull him off before he came and Jimin hissed and rode his face as punishment, but Yoongi hadn't complained.

He tried to be as gentle as he could in his rut bursts, but it was so easy to slip and black out for his alpha to appear for a few moments that he most times fucked Jimin's thighs instead and got him off as a reward.

Jimin helped him with his medicine, but with how frequently Jimin was dripping, he had just completely stopped wearing clothes and so Yoongi could feel his heat on his back as Jimin rubbed in the medicine. He groaned when Jimin rubbed himself on him, hands almost shaking where they rubbed in the ointment. He fucked him hard for that and Jimin, in his almost delirious heat desperation, loved it each time to the point where Yoongi started to think he was doing it on purpose.

When they kissed, it was deep and wet and sloppy, just like everything else, Jimin's hands either gripping Yoongi's hair or his back and clinging on. Jimin was a bit of a brat and was always telling him to go faster, go harder. He was a flirt and often invited himself into Yoongi's lap. He was sensitive; his thighs, neck, and the buds on his chest all needing to be touched because they all felt good to Jimin and who was Yoongi to deny that? He loved Yoongi's hands, didn't matter if they were holding him, fucking into him, stuffing his mouth, cleaning him up, or just existing on their own, Jimin always asked Yoongi to use his hands as much as he could. Touch him as much as he could.

He liked to sit on Yoongi's lap, sometimes not for the sex, but just to be there in Yoongi's hold. Although most times, he wanted to sit on his dick at the same time. If it wasn't for Yoongi going into rut each burst Jimin had, he doubted he could keep up. Every one orgasm he had, Jimin would need more than three for the burst to end and so Yoongi would be exhausted at the end of each burst. He still cleaned Jimin up and disposed of the tin's contents before joining Jimin wherever they had ended the burst and falling asleep right there.

Maybe he should have gotten a higher dosage of suppressant. They were supposed to prevent knots, but he'd been having knots and using a tin so he wouldn't be knotting onto the sheets or floors or furniture and so Jimin wouldn't try to work it into himself.

There was once where they started in the bath, Jimin first on Yoongi's lap and controlling everything before the alpha snapped and bent him over the edge of the basin and fucked him until water was splashing onto the floor.

Towards the end, Yoongi had a moment of weakness in fatigue and didn't grab the tin in time and so spilled his knot onto Jimin's chest and stomach. He had to pin Jimin's hands down to keep him from touching it—Jimin had been close and the sight of the knot finished him off. Considering that the two months were almost over, the knot wasn't as full as they normally were, but it would leave Jimin fantasizing about taking his knot for months until they did it again outside of heat. Only then—only when they both were in their right minds and not in rut or heat and Jimin explicitly stated he wanted a knot—did Yoongi do it. But that's a later story.

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